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Chapter 298 It's Okay, Don't Be Afraid

Chapter 298 It's Okay, Don't Be Afraid

This time, Xiao Xi'er was completely exhausted.It seems that I really stopped here today.Rather than being played to death by these people, it's better to be more straightforward and make a decision on your own. Anyway, these people won't let me go back alive.

In desperation, Xiao Xi'er thought of biting her tongue and committing suicide.But you can still wait for your teeth to exert their strength.only heard a loud noise


Not far away, probably from the living room.

Several people, including Xiao Xi'er, also looked towards the door at the same time.A dozen men dressed in black had already broken in and appeared in the apartment.They also held electric drill tools for smashing the door in their hands.

"Little Xier."

Before everyone could see who was leading the group, they heard a cool voice calling Xiao Xi'er's name with a nervous tone.

Xiao Xi'er raised her head, who else would it be if it wasn't Yan Bai?Seeing Yan Bai, Xiao Xi'er was instantly relieved.

Yan Bai took off his coat and wrapped it around Xiao Xi'er, with only distress on his face.He didn't expect this to happen.

"Sorry, I'm late." Yan Bai said softly, holding Xiao Xi'er tightly in his arms.

"It's not too late, but luckily you're here." Xiao Xi'er replied with her head bowed.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

"En." Saying that, Xiao Xi'er buried her head in Yan Bai's chest.Feeling the sense of security that Yan Bai brought to him at this moment.She doesn't want to see anyone now, and she doesn't want to be seen by anyone.Just want to be alone for a while.

Yan Bai knew that Xiao Xi'er must be in an extremely bad mood at the moment, and so was he.

"Kill them." Yan Bai looked at the six members of the orchestra, and said to the people he brought behind him.Presumably Xiao Xi'er didn't want these people to continue living in this world.

But before anyone could make a move, there was another sound of rumbling footsteps outside the stairs of the apartment.

But three seconds.The entire apartment was once again surrounded by people.

Those people were wearing military uniforms and even had pistols in their hands.The battle was astonishingly large.

The members of the band felt flustered when they first saw Yan Bai. After all, they are all public figures. If this matter were exposed, they might be ruined.And beyond that.The other party is also outnumbered.

After all, there are only six people on my side, and there are more than a dozen people who broke in with Yan Bai.Moreover, each of them looked muscular, and the few of them who were engaged in music knew that they were not opponents just by looking at their bodies.But that's fine, what happened to the soldiers who suddenly appeared behind?

Still pointing guns at them?After living for so many years, although I have done many bad things and met many people who came to ask for justice, I have never seen this scene that only appears in movies.Almost freaked out.

"Xiao Xi'er, my... daughter..."

The army just surrounded this side, and a woman walked out from it.The expression on the woman's face was very excited.

Even if it is not China, there is no one who does not know Lian Yurou.

Behind Lian Yurou, Qian Mingze also walked up, supporting Lian Yurou.

They saw Xiao Xi'er who was being held by Yan Bai at a glance, and walked towards Xiao Xi'er.

To be honest, Yan Bai was also a little surprised.Xiao Xier turned out to be their daughter.But the emotion on his face was well concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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