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Chapter 299 I want to leave this place

Chapter 299 I want to leave this place
Yan Bai didn't think about investigating Xiao Xi'er before, what is Xiao Xi'er's identity?If Xiao Xier wanted to tell him, he just listened.If he is unwilling to tell himself, he will never inquire about it without authorization.This is his respect for Xiao Xier.

Xiao Xi'er turned her face away, and when she saw Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou, all her grievances poured out instantly.

Yan Bai put Xiao Xi'er down from his arms, but still carefully supported Xiao Xi'er's shoulder.

The effect of the paralytic is still there, and Xiao Xier was just holding on when she dealt with the members of the orchestra just now.

"Baby, it's okay. Daddy and Mommy are here. With us here, no one can hurt you." Lian Yurou hugged her daughter.This is the first time she has let her daughter suffer such harm.Her daughter has never been wronged no matter where she is.They have protected Xiao Xi'er on their palms since they were young.

Any danger is eradicated.Who knew that Xiao Xi'er had only been independent for a few days, and something like kidnapping happened.If it wasn't for Lian Yurou and Qian Mingze's strong endurance, she might have fainted at this moment.

After going back this time, Xiao Xi'er must be well protected, and such things must never happen again!
Who doesn't know that Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou are famous for their calmness in the business world?Who would have thought that such two powerful figures would be so nervous at this very moment today.

When they saw these two people, the six members of the orchestra felt their feet go limp, and their bodies were covered in cold sweat.He kept rubbing his eyes in disbelief, but his eyes were blinded, and the person in front of him was indeed Lian Yurou and Qian Mingze...

How could this happen... That woman... turned out to be the daughter of Qian Shi and Lian Shi... Are they dreaming?
"Mummy..." Xiao Xi'er's voice was choked with sobs. After being greatly traumatized, only relatives around her would feel better.

I can't imagine that if Yan Bai hadn't come here in time, she might have bitten her tongue and committed suicide, and now she might not be able to see Lian Yurou anymore.

"Baby, what's wrong with your face, who hit you?" Lian Yurou gently stroked Xiao Xi'er's cheek with her hand, and asked distressedly when she saw that the cheek was red and swollen.

"I want to leave this place." Suppressing the tears in her eyes, Xiao Xi'er skipped the topic. She is in such a bad mood now that she has no mood to accuse Akutagawa Na's slap on her.She needs to wait for her mood to calm down.

Wanting to cry is not because she is not strong enough, too much humiliation has been given to her here, she is a normal woman, not a prostitute.Even if one of her arms was cut off, it would not be as great as the pain she is giving her now.

"Okay, Mommy will take you out of this ghostly place." Lian Yurou's heart was full of anger and distressed.

The most important thing now is to appease her daughter. As for those people who have the audacity to kidnap her daughter and attempt to violate her, she will definitely chop them up and throw them out to feed the dogs!Will……

Yan Bai picked up Xiao Xi'er again and left, Lian Yurou walked aside, holding Xiao Xi'er's hand, at this time, no matter who is holding Xiao Xi'er, as long as who can make her daughter feel at ease, let alone she has to Thanks to the person in front of him for finding Xiao Xi'er in advance.

The rest of the matter was handed over to Qian Mingze to handle.

People from the Qian family are not cruel, but whoever touches his family will take revenge a thousand times and a hundred times back.

 Today's [-]th update has been fully presented~Thanks to Lan Yundie, bad habit, Sakura ovo, I am here, the prosperity is gone, and the island baby is rewarding again~
(End of this chapter)

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