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Chapter 301 The real kidnapper

Chapter 301 The real kidnapper
But these people can't die yet, Xiao Xi'er hasn't vented her anger yet.

"Stop the bleeding for them." Lian Yurou got up and said to the bodyguards beside her.

The bodyguards understood immediately, and took out some bottles containing medicine powder to stop the bleeding from their arms.

Because of the sharp whips, the clothes on these people were already missing a piece, and they were all stained red with blood. Of course, the bodyguards didn't bother to change their clothes.The hemostatic powder was sprinkled on them directly through the clothes.If half of the blood can be stopped, these people will not die.

The powder is not an expensive hemostatic drug.How can it be possible to use good things for these people?

So these painkiller powders even contain irritating ingredients.The powder poured on the wound made the pain even more irritating.Several people couldn't help screaming again.Two of them couldn't even stand the pain and passed out.

"Let's go." Seeing that people have lost much consciousness, even Yurou doesn't stay here any longer.Went out of the basement with Qian Mingze.

The news of Xiao Xi'er's injury and kidnapping did not spread, and no one dared to gossip without the permission of Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou.

Only Tangtang, Yan Bai and the people on Yan Bai's side knew about this matter.It is certain that Yan Bai can keep his mouth shut, since he doesn't talk much in the first place.Tangtang doesn't know many people in China, so she has no one to talk to even if she wants to.

"I checked, and the person who kidnapped Asayuki and took her away may be my person."

Although Xiao Xi'er was captured, the matter was not over yet.After sending Xiao Xi'er back, Yan Bai still had doubts about this matter.

Even if Xiao Xi'er's wrist was injured, with her ability, she wouldn't be taken away by a few people playing musical instruments.So let Chu Fengxing continue to investigate this matter.

Sure enough, after Chu Fengxing investigated for two hours, the result was exactly as Yan Bai thought.

During the time when Xiao Xi'er was kidnapped, Chu Fengxing thoroughly checked all the vehicles passing through Beihuan Road during that time period.One of the cars had a license plate number that belonged only to the J Gang.

And that car happened to pass by that intersection both before and after Xiao Xier was kidnapped.And near the public rental housing to be demolished, there have also been...

Even the time is accurate.Therefore, Chu Fengxing must have been done by his own people.

Presumably Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou found Xiao Xi'er by following the clues of that car.

But Yan Bai guessed that this incident was related to that band, so he followed the band directly.

But now Qian Mingze and even Yurou are focusing on the band and Xiao Xier, probably ignoring the person who really kidnapped Xiao Xier.

"Has the exact location of this car been determined?" Yan Bai asked.

As long as anyone related to this matter is involved, no one can be let go.

"The approximate location is being determined. They should still be in this city. They will probably be found within an hour." Chu Fengxing replied.

Coincidentally, he also wants to clean up those miscellaneous fish in his gang.To even kidnap a woman, do you think that the gang rules in his gang are written for fun?
Not to mention that it was Asahi Yuki's identity and their j gang couldn't afford to offend her. The most important point was that if they attacked a woman, the j gang was obliged to eradicate her.

As everyone knows, he has actually done this kind of kidnapping of women, and the nature is similar...

Now that Chu Fengxing knew Qian Yuxi's identity, he finally understood why that woman was so fearless and daring.

 2333, in fact, I am also very concerned about Xiao Xier's treasures.If you don't grab it back, it's hard to sleep and eat...

(End of this chapter)

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