Chapter 302

At first he thought it was because of the two backers of Yan Bai and the president of Chenyu Group.

Tsk, that iron chain dared to knock on her head boldly, and now I know the real reason is that she is the daughter of the Qian family...

"If you find it, let me know immediately, don't startle the snake." Xiao Xi'er is still resting, and everything will be dealt with after Xiao Xi'er wakes up.

"Well, no problem. But I'm worried that this matter will be very troublesome to deal with, and I'm worried that Qian's gang will go after some gang." After all, it was the people in his own gang who offended Qian's, Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou If people from the J gang were involved in this matter, would they get rid of the J gang?
For so many years, the j gang has been able to be the number one gang in j city without incident, because it has never provoked Qian's, and even came to Qian's to discuss cooperation when there is nothing to do.Often the biggest profits are given to Qianshi.

Because of this, Qianshi tolerated the growth of the J Gang and did not take action.It's all right now, those bastards from the J gang who said that the high-level members are not high-level, and that the ordinary members have a higher status have provoked their precious girls.Isn't this courting death for the j gang?

Even if their j gang wiped out their own gang members in front of Qian Mingze, presumably Qian would not let them go.

"Yan Bai, Young Master Yan. If this gang is really targeted by the Qian family, it will be destroyed. You can't ignore it, anyway, you also know that Qian Yuxi, so you have to intercede for our j gang." After so many years, he can be regarded as watching how the J gang grows step by step.If the j gang is destroyed because of this, he can't bear it.

"If it's ruined, it's ruined." Yan Bai said nonchalantly.But it's just a j gang, if it can make Xiao Xi'er feel better, he will take the initiative to give up the j gang to Xiao Xier to destroy it.

"Master Yan, don't be so cold-blooded and ruthless. After all, this j gang belongs to your Yan family. If it is destroyed, all the markets in city j will be lost for the Yan family." Among the huge assets of the Yan family, although one The city's business is nothing.But city j is a big city, and its economy will only get better and better in the future.

I believe that Yan Feiai doesn't want the J gang to be ruined like this.

"It doesn't matter." Yan Bai never took this matter seriously.The one who cares about this is Yan Feiai.


Xiao Xi'er slept for four hours and woke up at seven o'clock in the evening.I had several dreams at night, all of which were nightmares.In the dream, she gritted her teeth and committed suicide because she couldn't bear the humiliation, and when Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou arrived, she was already dead.

There is also the scene where he did not commit suicide, but was defiled by that group of people.And he was finally killed mercilessly and brutally by those people.

None of the endings are good.

Even though it didn't feel real, it was heart-wrenching.

Fortunately, these are all dreams...

When Xiao Xi'er woke up, she was in a cold sweat, but when she woke up and saw Qian Mingze, even Yurou and her four older brothers were by her side, everything calmed down again.

"Xiao Xi'er, you're awake. Do you want some water?" The second elder brother Qian Yuling asked quickly when she saw Xiao Xi'er get up.

"En." Xiao Xi'er nodded.

Qian Yuling immediately poured a cup of warm boiling water for Xiao Xi'er, and fed it to Xiao Xi'er's mouth herself.

"Brother, Daddy, Mommy. It suddenly occurred to me that there are still a few people I haven't dealt with." After drinking the water, Xiao Xi'er said seriously.

 Thank you Shuangting Hanzi, Dao, Xiangliuhan, Bingji Liuguang, the most beautiful you, Xiaodoudou w. , girl, sister, I am so angry, I don’t know if I miss you like a bone-in-your-body love, (face expression) dears, thank you for your support~ Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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