Chapter 308
As for those people in the band, they are the masterminds, and their nature is even worse than those eight people.

The next day, the Internet was full of scandals about the Oriental Orchestra.What **** girls, kidnap female fans, beat male fans, bad personality.He also did many illegal things, and many well-known bloggers on the Internet have come forward one by one to confirm the authenticity of the news.

There are even many celebrity singers announcing the evil deeds of these people on the Internet at the same time.

Their reputations plummeted in an instant.Waves of scolding on the Internet have been overshadowed.Even the records they had released were forcibly taken off the shelves and destroyed.

The police also received information that they were planning to arrest seven people.

The manager had a headache all day because of this, and wanted to call Akutagawa to ask why he offended him, but his phone still couldn't get through.

Akutagawa and the others are now imprisoned by Asahi, and of course no one can find them.And they were also charged with absconding in fear of crime...

From a popular band that was loved by people at the beginning, it became the object of resentment by billions of people after being exposed on the Internet.

Qianshi not only wanted them to die, but also ruined their reputations.

This kind of news has continued for half a month and has not subsided.

As for Akutagawa and the others, they are forced to watch some insulting comments from netizens every day, every day, repeatedly.The fans who used to like them only left them with cynicism.It is difficult for an individual to accept such a blow.

In addition to watching these things every day, they also received severe beatings every day.After the beating, they were given medicine to stop the bleeding.If you eat pig food, if you don't eat it, you will force yourself.Compared to those eight people who were beaten to death, they were desperate, locked in a dark basement, life was worse than death, they would rather die than suffer any more...

However, without Lian Yurou's order from Xiao Xi'er, no one would dare to let them die even if they wanted to die.

Xiao Xi'er knew what the orchestra was going through, so she didn't bother to bother.She didn't want to watch too bloody scenes.

Things gradually calmed down after half a month.The news of Xiao Xi'er's kidnapping did not spread, and no one said a word.

Yan Bai and Tangtang have also been tight-lipped.

Xiao Xi'er's injuries were also treated with the best medicine, but they were all healed within a week, except for the sprain on her wrist that healed a bit later.

However, Yan Bai brought Xiao Xi'er a lot of medicines that he used before.Half a month, it's almost all over.

After the recovery, Lian Yurou and Qian Mingze unanimously decided not to let Xiao Xier move out again.

Whatever the ancestral precepts are not, go to hell.Their daughter is much more important than the ancestral precepts.

However, Xiao Xier insisted not to expose her identity for the time being.After all, the high school she attended was an ordinary high school, and the exposure of her identity would only cause unnecessary trouble.

The weather in December has become very cold. Even though she is in the south, Xiao Xier still wears a coat.

The school hasn't changed much, except that Xiao Xi'er has attracted more attention when she arrives at the school.

Yan Bai came here with Xiao Xi'er today.During this time, Qian Mingze and even Yurou also got to know someone like Yan Bai.

Although he didn't ask Yan Bai's identity face to face, he must have investigated behind his back.After finding out that Yan Bai's identity is harmless, he doesn't object to Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai being together.

As for Tangtang, she has a special status at present, so she has been sticking to Yuu Asaba...

(End of this chapter)

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