Chapter 309 Travel
"It's Lian Yuxi, has she come to school?"

"Oh my god, my goddess is finally back! I'm so excited."

"Ahhh, it's really Lian Yuxi. I haven't seen you for two weeks. I feel like two years have passed."

"Yan Bai is here too! No matter how you look at it, I think Yan Bai is so handsome."

"It would be great if he wasn't so cold. I really want to marry him."

"That's right, it's just that his personality is too cold. I feel that I have to wear a padded jacket around him, otherwise I will freeze to death!"

Seeing Yan Bai and Xiao Xi'er coming back to school, everyone in the school seemed extremely excited.

There is absolutely no objection to saying that Xiao Xier is the number one goddess on campus.

Compared with Gao Ranran, Xiao Xi'er is more beautiful and temperamental than her.

Compared to Cheng Bihua, Xiao Xi'er is kind and gentle.

Seeing the return of the first goddess now, of course I am excited.

And Yan Bai didn't come to school very often, even if he came to school, he only stayed for a short time.

He didn't take that exam either, and after that, he was like Xiao Xi'er and never came to school again.

It's easy for people to misunderstand that Yan Bai went in and out with Xiao Xi'er like this.

"Xiao Xi'er, you finally came to school. Where have you been for half a month? Calling you also shows that you are not in the service area."

When Xiao Xi'er came to school, Ye Ziyue was the first to receive the news.

He also didn't know about Xiao Xi'er's kidnapping.

"I went on a temporary trip abroad and forgot to change my phone card," Xiao Xier said.He must not be told about the two weeks of recuperating at home.

"Travel...then why didn't you tell me in advance. I'm so worried about you." After sending Cheng Bihua to the hospital that day, he went back to the gymnasium to find Xiao Xi'er, but Mu Qianshu said that Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai went to Went to a concert.

Thinking about it, since it was a concert, she definitely didn't want to be disturbed, so she didn't call Xiao Xi'er again.

When I called Xiao Xier again the next day, the connection was no longer available.

Ye Ziyue was worried that something happened to Xiao Xi'er.I was so worried that I couldn't sleep well for several days.It just so happened that Asaba Yu didn't come to school at that time.

He was afraid that Xiao Xi'er had been hurt somewhere by Chen Bihua.

A week later, Asaba Yu came to school.Only then did he come to tell himself that his sister was fine.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, but he and Asagi Yuu had been at odds, so there was no further questioning, and it was enough to know that Xiao Xi'er was fine.

Now that Xiao Xier has finally come to school, of course he has to seriously ask where Xiao Xier has been and what happened during this time.

"You are so worried about what I do, and you know it. One of my favorite things to do is to travel, and then to see the scenery everywhere. There will be many accidents when you just go on a trip. You can experience it." Xiaoxi Er said with a smile, trying to ease the embarrassment between them.

It could be seen that Ye Ziyue was really worried about herself.But during the recovery period, she really didn't want to have any other communication with people other than her family.

"Did you travel with him?" Ye Ziyue pointed at Yan Bai beside him.For half a month when Xiao Xi'er was away, this guy also disappeared for half a month.It's easy to get confused.

"Ah... um... well, we went together." Xiao Xi'er nodded without hearing the other meaning in Ye Ziyue's words.

Hearing Xiao Xier's affirmative tone, Ye Ziyue almost vomited blood: "Why didn't you call me when you were going on a trip? Does he know you very well?"

(End of this chapter)

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