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Chapter 317 Attitude in Class

Chapter 317 Attitude in Class
He didn't cherish the most beautiful youth, so he insisted on asking Xiao Xi'er to trouble him to bury himself.It really deserves it.

The spectators also dispersed.In the future, those who want to trouble Xiao Xi'er will probably not dare to act rashly when they think of today's scene.

This can be regarded as Xiao Xi'er's belated showdown in school.

"Xiao Xi'er, you are so cool. I didn't realize that there are bodyguards around here, but they are so well hidden!"

After everyone dispersed, Wei Ya looked at Xiao Xi'er adoringly and said.

These people who collect protection fees have never been able to cure them.Even the principal can only sigh and shake his head every time he faces such a scene.He didn't dare to offend these people.

Of course, these people didn't dare to accept Wei Ya's charge.Behind Wei Ya is Chu Fengxing, no one dares to make things difficult for him.In addition, Wei Ya also has the campus umbrella of Jin Jin.

However, some students who received protection fees had some money in their families, and it was said that they collected usury loans.The children in the family followed suit and collected protection fees at school all day long.

In order to collect protection fees, they have been in high school for several years.But they enjoy campus life, they just don't graduate.Bullying the juniors and juniors at school all day long.

It's all right now, I bumped into Xiao Xi'er.It is estimated that the family should be checked.

The police department has long wanted to deal with these usury scum.But this group of people took root and hugged each other tightly.The police station was afraid that too many people would be involved.I haven't found a way to destroy them all the time. Now, with the support of Qian's family, they can destroy these people by the roots...

Those students who received protection fees did not know Lian Yuxi's identity until they went to prison.The youngest daughter of the Asahi family...

Xiao Xier's lethargy recently may be due to the colder weather.After having lunch with Jin Jin Weiya at noon, I couldn't help dozing off when I returned to school and lay down on the table.

And Yan Bai sat by the side and glanced at the students in the class who were trying to make a scene with icy piercing eyes.

It was originally the busiest time at noon, but because of Yan Bai's relationship, everyone's voice was eight degrees lower.For fear of being glanced at by Yan Bai's cold eyes.

It's a pity that the first class in the afternoon is the head teacher's class.

The head teacher didn't learn anything else, but her loud voice made people feel like an echo appeared in the ears after a little memory.

"Student Yan Bai, please wake up Lian Yuxi next to you, and get ready for class." The head teacher looked at Lian Yuxi who was still sleeping and said to Yan Bai beside him.

It's already class time, napping during her class time?How decent!Although the class teacher in class one had heard that Yan Bai and Lian Yuxi had good grades.But in her opinion, the attitude of these two people in class is too bad.

She has tried to ignore it as much as possible, the two of them are busy with their own affairs in the morning class.Lian Yuxi took a pen to scribble on the book, but she asked her to get up to answer the questions, and she answered them all.It was as uncomfortable as hitting cotton with a fist.She couldn't even find an excuse to punish her for copying.

As for this Yan Bai, he doesn't know what he's doing with a notebook.But there was a chill in his body, and she felt a little chilly.He didn't dare to call his name.

Forget it, now Lian Yuxi is still sleeping in her class?I really don't take myself as the head teacher seriously.Can I get a full score in math in this way?Doubtful!No, it must be treated well.

(End of this chapter)

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