Chapter 318
"It doesn't matter if you don't attend class." Yan Bai said.In his opinion, the class teacher's class has no value of listening to the class.


"Xiao Xi'er knows what you taught, so there's no need to do it." Yan Bai said again.

Indeed, compared to her education level, Xiao Xier's education level has already surpassed that of her head teacher.

"You know everything, so why come to school? Is there too much money and nowhere to spend it?" Yan Bai's words successfully ignited the head teacher's anger.

She has also met many thorny students or outstanding students before, but none of them are as arrogant as Yan Bai.

Isn't this Yan Bai really underestimating people?
"Yeah." Yan Bai casually affirmed what the head teacher said, thinking that he has too much money and nowhere to spend it, so he came here to spend it.

"Since you don't think it's necessary, then get out of here! Don't take my class again." The head teacher pointed to the door.It was the first time I encountered such a student, and I really didn't know what to do.

"I haven't violated the school's rules. It's up to me to decide whether it's necessary to go to class, so you have no right to let me out." Yan Bai looked up at the head teacher, and said casually.

"You talk back to me, that's disrespecting the teacher! Don't the students who don't respect the teacher violate the school rules?"

"I disagree with what you said, so I said it out. And what I said is also true. The fact is so, how can you call it back?" Yan Bai asked back.

"You're making too much sense!" Damn it, how can there be such a student in this world!

"If a teacher can't distinguish between strong words and facts, then she is not qualified to be a teacher. Also, I have paid the tuition, and I am qualified to sit here. If you insist on letting me go out, you can let the principal Come and tell me. You are not qualified." Yan Bai said unhurriedly.

Yan Bai learned about Chinese education before coming to the school, and he also read the school rules.It was unreasonable for the teacher in charge to let him out.

Yan Bai's words made the homeroom teacher not know how to answer them for a while.What he said seems to have his reasons, but it just makes people angry...

She is the class teacher, and she was choked up in front of so many students and had nothing to say.Should she lose face?If this Yan Bai is not punished today, how will she have any prestige in the class in the future?But after thinking for a long time, he didn't think how he would deal with Yan Bai.

In the final analysis, it was actually because of Lian Yuxi who was still asleep.Yan Bai didn't violate the school rules, but Lian Yuxi always slept in class, right?

I saw the head teacher angrily walking to Xiao Xi'er who was still sleeping.A book was rolled into a circle, ready to hit Xiao Xi'er directly on the back of the head.

However, the book hasn't been dropped yet.Yan Bai warned again: "If you hit it, I will immediately sue you for corporal punishment on the students."

It's not right to take back the book in the head teacher's hand, and it's not right to smash it down.

She is really dissatisfied.Where the hell is this whiteness?

She didn't believe it anymore, she would be unable to cure these two people.The two must be cured until they are taken.

"Okay, I won't hit her. But I must report to her parents about sleeping in class! This class is self-study!" After finishing speaking, the class teacher turned around and went back to the office to search for the student files.

She has been a teacher for so many years, and the students are most afraid of suing their parents.She can't control this kind of bully and thorny students, and she doesn't believe that their parents can't control them either!

(End of this chapter)

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