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Chapter 320 Irresponsible

Chapter 320 Irresponsible
"Ma'am, what I mean is that she slept during class time. It's not lunch break now. The lunch break time has passed." The head teacher has come into contact with so many parents, and this is the first time she has encountered such a situation.She couldn't believe it, so she found a reason for the other party.

She felt that the lady thought that her daughter slept during the rest time, so she said such a thing.

"I know, so what? Is there a problem? Is there any difference between sleeping in class and sleeping in lunch?"

"Ah? No, ma'am, wait a minute. The point now is whether she will sleep comfortably? Shouldn't she be concerned about whether her academic performance will decline?" Oh my god, is this person really Lian Yuxi's mother?Is there such a doting mother in the world?Is this a little too much?
"Grade decline? Class teacher, this is not your responsibility. I know my daughter's grades very well. You just need to let her have a happy life in class." My daughter received a diploma from the highest institution a year ago, and she still needs to Care about grades?
Don't say that my daughter's grades are very good, but she is not good.My daughter can do whatever she wants.In the future, I will train many great people, and then hand over all of Lien's businesses to my daughter.It doesn't matter if the daughter doesn't know anything, she just needs to live comfortably in this life.

"Madam, I think you are too irresponsible to your daughter. There is no parent in this world who dotes on their children like you. You are hurting her!" It's fine to run into trouble with Yan Bai before, In the end, she came to report to her parents, and she still hit a wall?
"Irresponsible? You say I'm irresponsible to my daughter?" She has been working hard for Xiao Xi'er all day long, but why does the head teacher say that he is irresponsible to Xiao Xi'er?

"That's not what I mean. I just think that as a parent, you should not spoil your child. You should discipline your child strictly. It's wrong for a child to sleep in class, and it will affect the child's life!" It's over, the parent is hopeless.The head teacher growled inwardly.

"In the final analysis, it's because of her grades, right? Well, let me tell you, my daughter got her Ph. Enjoy life as a high school student. Any questions?"

"Doctor..." She herself was just a graduate student.Lian Yuxi was only sixteen or seventeen years old, that is to say, when she was 15 years old...how could this be...

She couldn't believe it, holding the phone for a long time and being speechless.

"If there is no problem, let's do this first. I am very busy here. If you see my daughter sleeping in class in the future, please don't disturb her." Lian Yurou said again.

"Okay..." the class teacher replied.People have higher education than me, so what qualifications do you have to ask them to listen to your class?

There are such creatures as geniuses in this world. Received a Ph.D. degree at the age of 15, the head teacher felt that his back was getting cold...

Lian Yurou hung up the phone, and the secretary over there quickly came over with the documents and said, "Chairman, these are the materials for the meeting later."

"Well, let's put it somewhere. By the way, I will call the principal of Yuyou College later. Ask him to build a lounge in the school. The location is good. This is the design drawing, the sooner the better, the funds Asahi will come out."

(End of this chapter)

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