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Chapter 321 Another Exam

Chapter 321 Another Exam
After the phone call, the homeroom teacher never paid attention to Xiao Xi'er who was still sleeping when she returned to the classroom.Little Xi'er had already dealt her a great blow...

The students in the class were also very strange. Why did the head teacher, who was so aggressive before, go to the office, and the whole person became depressed.

The behavior of the class teacher is really confusing.Who are Lian Yuxi's parents...

Xiao Xi'er slept comfortably this time, and didn't wake up until the second class.I don't know what happened in the last class.I only know that the people in the class look at her a little weirdly...

What happened, Xiao Xi'er didn't bother to ask, anyway, she has met a lot of weird eyes from before to now.

"Xiao Xi'er, please ask me to take a leave of absence for the next class. I'm going to the drama club to rehearse!" After the second class ended, Wei Ya hurriedly packed her things.

Today is Monday, and there are three classes on Monday afternoon.The last class is basically self-study.But since the new head teacher came, all the self-study classes have become the head teacher's class.

"Drama club rehearsal? Take up class time?" Xiao Xi'er asked, tilting her neck.

General club activities will not take up class time.

"New Year's Day. New Year's Day is half a month away. As the social flower of our drama club, I have a huge task!" Colleges and universities hold two large-scale events every year, one is the open campus for the May [-]th Youth Day Celebrations, one is the New Year's Day school celebration.Only students from their own school participate.

The entire drama club had five programs on the New Year's Day celebration, of which she participated in three, as the heroine of two programs, and one as the second female lead.She is the busiest person in the whole drama club.

There is no way, the drama club has few people, but there are many tasks.Wei Ya is very busy every day.

"Come on..." Looking at Wei Ya who is so busy, Xiao Xi'er is glad that she hasn't joined any club yet.Home club is the best...

The third class is the class of the head teacher.When the head teacher entered the classroom, he glanced at Xiao Xi'er, and there seemed to be various expressions mixed in it.But I just glanced at it, and then turned my head away.

"We will test papers in this class. This time, students who failed to score [-] points will be punished to copy the papers three times, and students who failed to score [-] points will be punished to copy the papers once." The head teacher said while handing out the papers he brought.

"Oh my god, don't, why do you have to take the exam again, didn't you just take the exam last Friday?"

"My God, I'm dying, it seems that I have to copy the paper three times again."

"It's copying papers again. The thing I've copied the most in my life is papers!"

Seeing the head teacher handing out papers, the students could only complain.

This homeroom teacher is simply a devil, torturing people in different ways.She is obviously an English teacher, but she wants to get involved in any subject.If she didn't pass the Chinese test, she asked her to copy, and if she didn't pass the math test, she also asked her to copy...

"Quiet. The exam will start now, and the exam will last for one hour." When the class teacher finished speaking, all the papers had been handed out.

"Can I leave after the exam?" Xiao Xi'er asked.

"Well, you and Yan Bai are from class one. I have relatively high requirements for you. You have to get a score of [-] on this paper." The head teacher still had some doubts about the authenticity of what the woman said on the phone.

She really didn't want to believe that Lian Yuxi, who was sleeping in class, could get a doctor's degree.So this paper is mainly used to test Lian Yuxi,
 Thanks to Shuang Ting Han Zi, Mint Heart Cool i, and Huang Yubo's mothers for your rewards, I love you Trojans~

(End of this chapter)

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