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Chapter 322 The Paper of Class 1

Chapter 322

"Damn it, what's the matter with the paper this time? Why is it so difficult?"

"That's right, head teacher, did you take the wrong paper? This should be from class one. It's too difficult. How could people in our class get sixty points in the exam?"

"Teacher, you think too highly of us."

There were waves of complaints from below.Let them take the test papers of the ordinary tenth class, maybe they can barely get [-] points in the test, and a few can pass.But the difficulty of this paper is too much.I don't know how many people in the class can pass forty points in the exam.

"Ahem, okay, please be quiet. It's exam time now. If you whisper to each other, I will count you as zero points and copy the papers ten times as a penalty."

After the head teacher finished speaking, the class returned to silence again.

But this paper was really written by the head teacher of class one.She took it and copied it again.The main purpose is to give Yan Bai and Lian Yuxi a test.

The rest of the class were actually completely implicated...

Of course, no one knows what the head teacher is thinking.

In the English test, all the students fell into contemplation at the beginning of the test.

Basically, most people can't even understand the questions. They rely on the three shorts and one long to choose the longest, the three longs and one short to choose the shortest, and the shortest to choose c...However, how could the head teacher of the first class follow the skills? Come?

Of course, even if it was a class one topic, it would not be difficult for Xiao Xier and Yan Bai at all.The two of them finished writing the topic after a few strokes.For English, it can be done in as little as 5 minutes.Most of the questions are multiple choice and true or false.Written faster than they can get it.

When Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai handed in the test at the same time, several eyes shot at them at the same time.His eyes were full of disbelief.

Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai handed in the papers, turned around and were about to leave.However, the head teacher stopped the two of them again.

"Wait a minute, you go away first. I'll check your papers." After finishing speaking, the class teacher took out a red pen and began to seriously correct the papers.

Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai looked at each other, they had no choice but to return to their seats, wait for the class teacher to complete the corrections and then announce the results.

One question and one question, the class teacher corrected it very carefully.Often even longer than the two-person exam.

However, the final result still made the class teacher have to admit that there really are creatures like geniuses in this world.If she hadn't gotten the answers in advance, she might not have been able to finish writing these questions and get them all right even if she had given herself 5 minutes.

"Teacher in charge, are you ready to correct?" Seeing that the teacher in charge had put down the red pen.Xiao Xier asked.

"Well. Both of them have full marks. But I still hope that you can check it after you finish writing the paper next time. Okay, you go back." Although he was a little reconciled, he was really right.

Most of the students couldn't help sighing.

"It's amazing, full marks!"

"Tsk tsk, you really deserve to be a student in Class [-]. You can get full marks for such a difficult paper, and it only took such a short time."

"I doubt that they have any superpowers during the exam, and they can answer the questions without even looking at them."

There were also other students who heard the head teacher say the word "full score", they couldn't help sticking out their heads and stretching their necks, wanting to see the answers written on the two papers of Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai.

However, the head teacher has already put away the papers.

It seems that today, except for Xiao Xier and Yan Bai, everyone has to be punished for copying.

 Today’s updates are all presented~ Actually, I think I am quite diligent in updating, why do you always say that I am less...

(End of this chapter)

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