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Chapter 323 Too high-profile

Chapter 323 Too high-profile
Several BMW cars outside the school gate formed a long queue.These cars have not left the gate of the campus all day today.

Of course, these cars are only waiting for one person to arrive, and that is Xiao Xier.

Lian Yurou said that she would pick up the lady to and from get out of class in the future, and everyone knew Xiao Xier's temperament was casual.It is not allowed to make other plans suddenly in the middle of the class.

If these drivers didn't pick up Xiao Xi'er, Lian Yurou would definitely blow them up when she got angry.

"Miss, do you want to go home or do you have other arrangements?" Seeing that Xiao Xi'er had already left school, the driver greeted her with a smile.

"I told you to keep a low profile. You guys are too eye-catching, aren't you?" Looking at the scene in front of her, Xiao Xi'er was almost out of temper.I made it very clear when I came in the morning, and when I came to pick me up in the afternoon, a car would be enough.

But now, looking at the situation in front of you, no one would marry a daughter like this.

"Miss, we are already low-key enough. You see, we drive all BMWs. We don't have any worse cars in the garage." These BMWs are usually used for grocery shopping in the kitchen.The car used to pick up the lady is either a Rolls Royce or a Ferrari, but who knows that the lady likes to keep a low profile.

What can I do? Now the lady feels that BMW cars are not low-key enough, so I can’t drive an ordinary car that costs 10,000+.

"Next time a car will pick me up. It doesn't take so much." Xiao Xi'er really had no choice but to finish class early, otherwise how many people would be staring at her.

"One? Madam said, at least four..." What if something happens to Miss on the road?
"Two, no more. I'll tell my mother myself." Xiao Xi'er got into the car and said.

"By the way, go to my villa today." It's okay anyway, I don't know if they have renovated their villa, but it seems that only Tangtang lives now.

Go take a look.

"Okay, miss." The driver nodded, then turned the car around.

Some potted plants were planted outside the villa, and gardeners were meticulously building it.The villa is surrounded by a circle of guardrails, and it adopts European-style architecture, which makes the villa look more magnificent.

Xiao Xier pushed the door open and entered, and the gardener immediately put down the watering can in his hand and said hello to Xiao Xier: "Hi, miss."

"Well, go do your work." Xiao Xi'er nodded casually, and then walked into the villa.

"Hey! Give me back the remote! I want to watch Conan!"

"No, I want to look at finance and economics!"

"You are all bored, watch this? Can this be more interesting than Conan?"

"What's the point? Isn't it just killing people and finding the murderer!"

"Give me back the remote!"

As soon as I entered the villa, I heard the sound of two people arguing in the villa.Xiao Xi'er saw that it was indeed Qian Yuyou and Mu Tangtang, two living treasures.I saw the two of them fell on their own sofa one by one.

Action looks very misleading.

She knew that Tangtang had been living here, but she didn't expect that Yuu Asagi was also here...

"You two go on, go on..." Xiao Xi'er backed away silently, never expecting that the relationship between these two people would become so good without her knowing it.

Qian Yuyu and Tangtang looked at Xiao Xi'er in surprise, and then jumped off the sofa.

"Xiao Xier, you misunderstood, we are just grabbing the remote control! We didn't do anything!" Qian Yuyu grabbed Xiao Xier who was about to leave, and said hastily,

(End of this chapter)

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