Chapter 326 Mu Qiantang

"I see. You should disappear first. Don't let too many people notice you." She knew in her heart that Mommy was doing it for her own good, but she didn't want to become superior to others in this ordinary academy.

"Yes, ma'am."

After the bodyguard finished speaking, he disappeared from Xiao Xier's eyes.

Forget it, but it's just a bigger lounge, it's fine to say that Asaba Yu repaired it another day.Anyway, that guy is already used to being high-profile.

Class [-] is always very quiet in the morning, and before the head teacher comes, there will be few people in the class.

But today there is something unusual.Xiao Xier could hear the laughter from the class outside the door.

"Are you really Mu Qianshu's younger brother? It doesn't look like it, but it's so handsome."

"You and Mu Qianshu have very different personalities. He avoids women when he sees them. He doesn't have the slightest chance to be contacted by others. You don't mind at all."

Xiao Xi'er didn't know what happened until she walked into the classroom.

Mu Tangtang is here.

She is still dressed in a neutral dress.Short hair, with a scrunchie on his head.Wearing a light-colored sweater on the body gives people a refreshing and warm feeling.

It's like the little brother in the neighbor's house, yes, the little brother.

"Hi, good morning Xiao Xier." Seeing Xiao Xier, Tangtang quickly greeted her.With a seductive smile on his face.That's right, seduction.

"Good morning, I didn't expect you to come so early." It was really surprising that this guy who was more sleepy than himself came earlier than himself today.

"I actually met Lian Yuxi again. It seems that I'm still very familiar."

"Who makes parents beautiful."

"Really, it's good to have a good appearance, and you can hook up with any man. Yesterday, Yan Bai is Mu Qiantang's today, and tomorrow it will be Mu Qianshu again. Ye Ziyue will be the day after tomorrow?"

"No one would like a jealous woman." Xiao Xi'er laughed.For so many people's cynicism, Xiao Xi'er also expressed her helplessness.She just has a good character, what can I do if everyone around her is handsome.

She seemed to be born on the same track as the handsome guy.

But this group of little sisters are also fussy, didn't they just refuse to go to the bar with them yesterday?

"Secondly, a jealous woman will not be liked. Xiao Xi'er and I have known each other since we were young, you are not allowed to bully Xiao Xi'er." Tangtang walked up to Xiao Xi'er and put one hand on Xiao Xi'er. Seele smiled over her shoulder.

The few girls listened to Tangtang's words, instead of getting angry, they were fascinated by Tangtang's laughter.At that moment, everyone's position turned a corner.

"A skin is really important." Xiao Xi'er sighed.How long has this Tangtang been in the class, and she has subdued all the girls in the class.

Should I consider going back and cutting my hair short, and then change into Yuu Asagi's clothes, and say a few frivolous words, maybe I can attract a lot of women.

But if you think about it carefully, she may be hated by men, and she is not as perverted as Tangtang, she can hang out with girls all year round, and she can also deal with all kinds of girls.Sure enough, don't make yourself a mermaid...

The news that Class Ten had transferred a new student spread throughout the morning.It is said that he is Mu Qianshu's younger brother from Taiwan, but he behaves completely differently from Mu Qianshu.Except that he is slightly shorter than the other school girls, in other respects he is simply the ideal prince charming in girls' hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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