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Chapter 327 The New Class Teacher

Chapter 327 The New Class Teacher
In addition to Mu Qiantang who came from class ten, there was another person who also spread the word all over the campus.

The head teacher of Class [-] of the second year of high school unfortunately broke both legs due to a car accident. The hospital said that he would need surgery for at least three months to recuperate.So a new head teacher came to class one.

Xing Ze.

Maybe others have never heard of this name, but Xiao Xier is very familiar with it.

Because of Nan Xun, Xiao Xier has been looking for a white book that can heal Nan Xun's eyes.And Baishu has a son named Xingze.

Although Xiao Xi'er has been looking for the three members of Bai Shu's family, she still can't find them.Every time she took photos of the people she was looking for, what she brought was disappointing news.

And this time, the temporary substitute head teacher in Class [-], is that Bai Shu's son, Xing Ze?

It's a pity that when Xiao Xi'er found the substitute head teacher of Class 30, the person in front of her looked like she was in her [-]s.Wearing a serious suit, with thick black-rimmed glasses.He was still studying with a biology book in his hand.

Obviously, it is completely different from Xingze in the information displayed by Xiao Xier on the computer.

"This classmate, what can I do for you?" Xing Ze found that Xiao Xier had been staring at him, so he raised his head and asked.

His voice is nice, but his facial features are a bit ordinary.This is Xiao Xier's first impression of the new head teacher of this class.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to say hello to my future homeroom teacher." Xiao Xi'er replied casually.Since it's not that Yukizawa, it's fine to be perfunctory.

"That's it. Hello, I'm the new head teacher of Class One. My surname is Xing, and I'm named Xing. You can call me Teacher Xing in the future." Xing Ze continued to laugh.

"Okay, Mr. Xing. Then I'll go back to the classroom."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

This Xingze gave Xiao Xier an inexplicable hostility.Yes, hostility, though he speaks softly.But his eyes have been erratic, making people feel that there is something else to say in his eyes.

It's just that since it's not the Xingze I'm looking for, it doesn't matter.

This Xingze's facial features are very ordinary, perhaps because his voice is nice, and his 30-year-old appearance gives people a mature and stable feeling, which is very attractive to girls who are uncle-controlled.

The class in the afternoon started, and the class teacher brought a few more test papers in his hand.

The students turned pale with fright when they saw the papers in the teacher's hand.Basically everyone was fined to copy the paper three times yesterday, and today?Do you still want their hands?

"Lian Yuxi, Yan Bai. These are the English and Chinese papers for the monthly exam last month." The head teacher gave the four papers to Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai respectively.

The students below were relieved to see that there were only four papers.It was not for them.

Xiao Xier took the paper with some puzzlement.Is this to let her write the paper?
Seeing the puzzlement in Xiao Xier's eyes, the head teacher explained: "The new head teacher of Class [-] said that he saw your and Yan Bai's math scores, and they both got full marks. It's a pity that you didn't take the other two exams. Your grades in class ten will be affected by students with poor grades. So he applied to the principal to let you take the exam again, and the principal agreed to give you another chance to take the exam. If you do well in the exam, you can go back to class one tomorrow."

The new head teacher of class one wants to take these two students back, but in the eyes of the head teacher of class ten, these two people are two different people in class ten.

 Thanks to angle Xia Moxi, indifferent and indifferent, bloody flowers dancing, midsummer Liuying chasing the wind, south wind, island, frost and snow, I am Aili, moment style, everyone's reward and support~
(End of this chapter)

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