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Chapter 328 To Class 1

Chapter 328 Returning to Class One

In fact, there is only two weeks until the next monthly exam, and there is really no need to make up the exam now.

Both Xiao Xier and Yan Bai thought so.

But since the papers have been sent out, let's take the test.After all, it is much better than the environment and people in Class Ten.

After Xiao Xi'er finished the test, she got full marks as a matter of course.Then pack up the textbooks and prepare to move back to class one.

The students in class ten began to envy again. To be honest, they really wanted to take the exam again. Even if they got into class nine, they would be out of hell.

"Wait a minute, I'm a freshman, so I should also be eligible to take the exam to select a class, right?" Seeing that Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai were about to leave, Tangtang hurriedly called the class teacher to stop, and asked.

After all, I came to school because of Xiao Xier, and I entered class ten because Xiao Xier was in class ten. Now that Xiao Xier is gone, what's the point of her staying in class ten...

"Yes, but you can tell the head teacher which class you want to enter. Every class needs an exam." Of course, except for class ten... the head teacher added silently in his heart.

Seeing the three leave just like that, the male and female students in class ten sighed, expressing despair in their hearts.

Finally, two handsome men and one beautiful woman appeared in class ten, and they all ran away before their eyes were full.

"Xiao Xi'er, you're back." Ye Ziyue said excitedly when she saw Xiao Xi'er come back.At first, I thought that Xiao Xi'er would not be able to go to class with him after walking for half a month.Unexpectedly, when the new class teacher came, he actually persuaded the principal to let her take the exam again.

But it would be better if this Yan Bai didn't come.

"Yeah." Xiao Xier replied.

It only took one class for Xiao Xier and Yan Bai to finish the two papers.It only took 10 minutes between classes for the head teacher to correct the papers.So now is the second class in the afternoon.

Except for Ye Ziyue who was excited, the other students in the class were also very excited.Their gods and goddesses are finally back!

But Xiao Xi'er and Ye Ziyue didn't have time to chat so much, Xing Ze had already entered the classroom.The students in the class all welcomed Xing Ze, and when they saw Xing Ze coming, they all returned to their seats.

"It seems that the students are all here. And there are two new students." Xing Ze saw Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai sitting in the last row, but his eyes were more on Yan Bai.

"Let me introduce myself to my two new classmates. My name is Xingze, and I'm your new homeroom teacher. I teach chemistry." When speaking this time, Xingze simply put all his eyes on Yan Bai, as if It's just talking to Yan Bai.

Yan Bai caught Xingze's gaze, but didn't respond.

"I'm done with the introduction, so tell me your names too." Xing Ze said again.

Yan Bai finally looked up at him this time.

"Lian Yuxi." This Xingze spoke so politely that Xiao Xi'er couldn't refuse.Standing up, he said his name.

"Yan Bai." Yan Bai also reported his name.

"Okay, I'll remember. But classmate Yan Bai, remember to stand up and answer the teacher's question next time." Xingze smiled and warned Yan Bai.

Yan Bai actually noticed something was wrong with Xingze from the very beginning.He has received special training, and he can even tell whether Mu Tangtang is a man or a woman at a glance, and he can also tell Xing Ze wearing a special mask.

And listening to the voice, it is basically certain that this Xingze is the Xingze who stopped him from killing half a month ago.

(End of this chapter)

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