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Chapter 334 Accident or Man-made

Chapter 334 Accident or Man-made
"Great, Xiao Xi'er, it's a good thing you came in time! I also prepared a stretcher, otherwise I really don't know what to do like a headless chicken." Seeing Xiao Xi'er coming, Jin Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief .

"Let's take Wei Ya to the hospital first." If there is anything, we will go to the hospital later.


Pushing Wei Ya into the operating room, Chu Fengxing rushed to the hospital without knowing where he got the news.

"What happened? Why did Wei Ya break her leg?" Chu Fengxing looked at Xiao Xi'er and Jin Jin and asked.

Jinjin still has some hostility towards Chu Fengxing.The last time he kidnapped Wei Ya is still vivid in his memory.

However, compared to Jinjin, Xiao Xi'er has two points more trust in Chu Fengxing after she experienced her kidnapping last time.

"Jinjin, how did Wei Ya get hurt?" Xiao Xi'er also asked Jinjin.

"They were rehearsing a drama, and who knew that the headlights upstairs suddenly fell down. Wei Ya didn't dodge, and her leg was hit by the headlights. We also took a lot of effort to get the headlights from Wei Ya's legs Moved."

It was an accident, for the headlight never gave any sign of falling.Who knows that it will be dropped.

"Headlight? It's fine, why did the headlight fall down?" Xiao Xi'er glanced at Chu Fengxing.Chu Fengxing also had doubts in his eyes.

"We hit that light a year ago, and it was repaired half a month ago, so it should be safe." Other members of the drama club came over and said.

"Man-made?" Thinking of such a possibility, Xiao Xi'er's eyes immediately became dark.

"Go and see the scene." Chu Fengxing also had a dark face.

Fortunately, the lamp only hit the foot, what if it hit another place?Is Wei Ya still alive?
Xiao Xi'er and Chu Fengxing returned to the drama club together, while Jin Jin stayed in the hospital to take care of Wei Ya.

There was no one in the drama club anymore, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening.Xiao Xi'er turned on the lights of the drama club, and the obviously smashed headlights on the ground attracted her full attention.

Xiao Xier squatted down and checked the headlights on the ground.But unfortunately, apart from the smashed places, there are no traces of other man-made things.

"It seems that we are worrying too much. This should be purely an accident." Chu Fengxing said.

Xiao Xier raised her eyebrows slightly, found a ladder somewhere, and climbed up the ladder to check the remaining headlights.

"It's better for me to go up. It's dangerous for you as a girl to go up there." Chu Feng said Xing.

Xiao Xi'er didn't pay attention to it, but reached out her hand to grab the other headlights.

The other headlights, however, are as solid as they appear.Little Xi'er could not shake it no matter how hard she tried.

On closer inspection, there are two things that hold the headlights in place.One is the clip-type base that comes with the headlight, and the other is an iron ring, a very thick iron ring.Even if the base of the headlight is broken, if there is an iron ring, there is no need to worry about the headlight falling off.

Xiao Xier noticed that basically each headlight was wrapped with seven or eight iron rings for reinforcement.

"Iron ring...Chu Fengxing, look for it, is there an iron ring on the ground?" Xiao Xi'er quickly shouted at Chu Fengxing after discovering this.

"Is it this?" After searching for a long time, Chu Fengxing finally found an iron ring from the ground.

"Yes, this is it!" Xiao Xi'er climbed down from the ladder.If the headlight falls off, there should be at least one broken iron ring on the ground,
(End of this chapter)

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