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Chapter 335 Is The Prisoner Her?

Chapter 335 Is The Prisoner Her?

"Sure enough, it's man-made." Chu Fengxing was sure when he found the iron ring.The iron ring was cut with something, and the traces are obvious.

"Someone is coming." Xiao Xi'er felt footsteps getting closer around her.

Xiao Xi'er was subconsciously quiet, while Chu Fengxing looked around for a while, looking for a place to hide.

At the same time as footsteps came into the drama club, Xiao Xi'er and Chu Fengxing had already found a place for Tibetans.

"What an idiot, I can't even do this well!" The man who came into the drama club cursed to himself.

"Cheng Bihua..." Hearing such an arrogant tone, Xiao Xi'er immediately confirmed the identity of the visitor.He also subconsciously identified the prisoner as Cheng Bihua.

After all, the Drama Club had nothing to do with Cheng Bihua, so what was she doing in a place like this.

"Did you do the headlight that fell!" Xiao Xi'er appeared and accused Cheng Bihua directly.

Cheng Bihua was startled by Xiao Xi'er who suddenly appeared, and took a few steps back, and only when he saw that it was Xiao Xi'er who was speaking, he patted his chest to calm down: "Xiao Yuxi, what's wrong with you? Startled me."

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Xi'er approached Cheng Bihua and asked.

"What do I do here is none of your business? Is this your home? I have to report to you when I come here?" Cheng Bihua sneered.

"Did the falling headlight have anything to do with you?"

"What kind of headlight, I don't know." What happened to Qian Yuxi today, she always felt that she was coming to trouble herself.

"I don't know? Didn't you come here to find something?" Xiao Xi'er pressed hard, trying to find some flaws in Cheng Bihua's face.

"So what? But I don't understand what headlight you're talking about. I don't know how the light fell off. But it's really bad luck to see you here. Forget it, I'll look for it next time." Said Come on, Cheng Bihua turned around and was about to leave.

Xiao Xi'er didn't go after her either, thinking whether Cheng Bihua's words were true or not.

"Is she a prisoner? If so, I'll kill her right away!" Chu Fengxing asked Xiao Xi'er seeing that the person had gone far away, and Xiao Xi'er had thoughtful eyes.

"I'm not sure. But although Cheng Bihua's character is very bad, at least she has the courage to act. I'm not sure if she did the headlight incident." Xiao Xi'er replied.

If it was really Cheng Bihua who did it, with Cheng Bihua's personality, he would defiantly say to himself: "So what if I did it? What evidence do you have to prove it was me? Even if it was me, what would you do to me?" It's like words that make people angry.

"I'd rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go." Chu Fengxing sullenly.After all, today's matter is tied to Wei Ya's life, and he can't let anyone who endangers Wei Ya's life be spared.

"She is Cheng Bihua, the sole heir of the Program Group. You touch her? Don't you want to live?" Today's matter still needs evidence.


"The Cheng family that Ye Shi is protecting."

"Then what should I do, isn't Wei Ya very dangerous?" But, how could Wei Ya provoke such a person.

"The prisoner may not be her. As far as I know, they only had one face-to-face meeting, and it happened a month ago. Cheng Bihua probably didn't need to think of troubling her at this time." If there is no motive, it can be ruled out for the time being. up.

(End of this chapter)

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