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Chapter 339 2 Full of Beauty

Chapter 339 The Best of Both Worlds
Lian Yurou knew that there was someone like Nanxun, and everyone in Qian's family was full of love, so she didn't plan to do anything to beat Qian Yuxuan.So instead of choosing one of these two people, it is better to say that this choice is deliberately used to put pressure on Yu Yu.

If you just tell Qian Yuyou that your fiancée is the second miss of the Mu family.With Qian Yuyou's personality, I'm afraid he has already fled abroad at this moment. After all, this kid is young, energetic, and very smart.Escaping for seven or eight years is not a problem.

But if you tell Qian Yuyu to choose between him and Qian Yuxuan.He will definitely hesitate in his heart, if he escapes, then this marriage will be thrown to Qian Yuxuan to get married.Then think about poor Nan Xun...

Qian Yuyou's heart is still soft, and the pressure will crush him, so in the end he will definitely not break up the pair of mandarin ducks, it's just time, and finally Qian Yuyou will definitely agree.

After all, Lian Yurou and Qian Mingze are more than 20 years older than them, and they are already alive and well.

"Daddy, Mommy, if this is the case, will I have to marry someone I don't like in the future?" The four of them hadn't finished discussing, Xiao Xi'er deliberately walked in with an aggrieved look.

She agreed with what Lian Yurou said lightly.Asahi Yu and Tangtang being together is only good for both parties, but marriage is also a lifetime thing, and neither of them will feel happy if they kidnap each other with benefits.Instead of this, it is better to live a life of hardship.

"Xiao Xi'er? You're back!" Seeing Xiao Xi'er suddenly come back, Qian Mingze was a little surprised.Seeing the wronged expression on his daughter's face, he felt even more distressed.

My daughter will take over the Lian family in the future. Most of the Lian family are Lian Yurou's confidantes, and they can all be trusted. Xiao Xi'er will be safe and sound even if she is a hands-off shopkeeper in the future. Naturally, she doesn't need her daughter to marry anyone.And he is also reluctant to marry his daughter...

Although the member of the Mu family mentioned letting his son be with his daughter, Qian Mingze knew that Xiao Xi'er would definitely not agree, so when the Mu family proposed, they were vague.

Although they have seen the appearance of the young master of the Qian family, he is indeed very good-looking, but no matter how good-looking he is, they have to get in touch with their daughter first, and the daughter will really like it before agreeing to such a thing.

As long as Xiao Xier is unwilling, no one will force her.

"Xiao Xi'er, please persuade your parents. Only you are the best." Qian Yuyou pulled Xiao Xi'er, and knew that Xiao Xi'er's words were the most important at home. Yurou will definitely listen.

"Well. I'll talk to Mommy and Dad. It's getting late. You should go back and rest first." Xiao Xi'er said to Qian Yuyou and Qian Yuxuan.In fact, you really need to talk to your parents about this matter.And... about Tangtang's thoughts.

"Xiao Xi'er, I know you don't want my brothers to be sad, but you have to know that this is the best choice for my brother." After Qian Yuyou and Qian Yuxuan left, Lian Yurou held Xiao Xi'er's hand and said earnestly.

"Well, I know all about it. But I'm not here to talk about it. I actually have a way to get the best of both worlds." For the happiness of her brother and Tangtang, Xiao Xier felt that she should worry about it... …

"A way to get the best of both worlds? Let Qian Yuyou be willing to be with the second miss of the Mu family?"

(End of this chapter)

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