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Chapter 340 Seeing the Parents

Chapter 340 Seeing the Parents

"Qian Yuyou?" Hearing that Lian Yurou only said Qian Yu's name, Xiao Xi'er immediately understood.In fact, this marriage was prepared for Yu Yu Asagi.

Alas, poor Yuu Asagi, probably still kept in the dark.It seems that my parents are really reluctant to beat the mandarin ducks.

"Ahem, Qian Yuyou and Qian Yuxuan. Xiao Xi'er, do you have a solution?" After all, Lian Yurou has lived for so many years, even if she realizes that she has said something wrong, she can still pretend to be stupid without blushing...

"Actually, when I was in Japan, I knew the second miss of the Mu family. Qian Yuyu also knew each other, but he didn't know Tangtang's identity." In fact, when I told Lian Yurou that I knew Tangtang, I hesitated for a while.

It is disrespectful to make decisions for others without their consent.But for the future of the two of them, Xiao Xier still decided to be a bad guy.

"You know the second lady of the Mu family? Qian Yuyou also knows?" What's the matter, originally I was thinking of deciding a time for the two children to get to know each other, but they all met.

"Then, what's the relationship between Miss Mu's family and Qian Yuyou?" Qian Mingze asked, he had no doubts about what his daughter said.

"Hmm...the relationship is not very good...every day they quarrel." Xiao Xi'er said that deliberately.

"It seems that the relationship is not bad if they can bicker and quarrel. So don't both of them know each other's identity?"

"Tangtang knows Qian Yuyu's identity, but Qian Yuyu doesn't know Tangtang's identity, and he always thinks... Tangtang is a man." I don't know how Daddy and Mommy will react when they hear this news.

However, only a flash of surprise appeared on the faces of Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou.After all, they are all people who have seen big wind and big waves.

"It seems that we don't need to worry about the children's affairs." What Xiao Xier meant, Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou also roughly understood.Tell them not to get involved, because Xiao Xi'er is behind everything.

"Well, when the children grow up, they will think clearly."

After that, Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou did not mention this matter again, Qian Yuyou thought it was Xiao Xier's credit, and it was Xiao Xier who made it clear to her parents.So every day he ran to Xiao Xi'er to show his courtesy.

The dedication was so over the top that Xiao Xi'er couldn't help but roll her eyes.But in the future, if Yuu Asagi knows all the ins and outs of the incident, he will probably be so angry that he wants to strangle this sister to death...

In the blink of an eye, it was the Saturday when I made an appointment with Mu Qianshu to pretend to be a girlfriend.

The weather on Saturday was fine, the sun was shining brightly, it is rare to have such a warm day in December,
After all, it was the first time meeting her parents, so Xiao Xier dressed herself up a little carefully, thinking that according to the adults' preferences, she should hope that her son's girlfriend looks like a lady.

So Xiao Xi'er prepared a small pink dress, which was longer so that she wouldn't be too cold.Match it with a pair of matching high heels.Her hair hangs over her shoulders, a painter's hat is on her head, and a rabbit-style fluffy backpack is carried on her back. There is no name tag on her whole body, but all her outfits are custom-made.

This kind of dress gives people the feeling of the little sister next door.Compared with her usual casual attire, today's Xiao Xi'er looks more cute and cute.Any elder will like it.

Xiao Xier looks good, so she can easily manage any outfit.

(End of this chapter)

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