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Chapter 345 It's Just a Cup

Chapter 345 It's Just a Cup
She is Nozomi Asagi, is there anything in this world that she can't afford?
"Sorry, I accidentally broke this cup." Xiao Xi'er said apologetically.

She broke it on purpose, Suru could see it.

Suru was a little surprised by Xiao Xier's actions.She guessed that Xiao Xi'er could understand the meaning of what she said, and also guessed that she would be angry because of it.

But even if she gets angry again, a good girl like her should bear it.But she didn't expect her to drop the glass directly.She didn't even know how to react.

"Auntie probably likes this set of cups very much. Otherwise, she wouldn't have specifically mentioned the price and place of production of this set of cups. But after all, this set of cups is only limited to [-] sets, and it was produced in one or five years. Up to now It's been two years. I guess I can't buy the same one. But it just so happens that I have the same set at home. I will send it to you tomorrow, and it will be regarded as compensation."

If I throw you one, I will pay you another. Let's see how you still look down on me.

"Isn't it just a cup? You don't need to be so alien to me. If you break it, it will break." When Xiao Xi'er said that, Suru couldn't hold back her face, as if she was someone who would care about a cup. .

But this girl is wearing a brand that she has never seen before. Neither the bag on her back nor the clothes on her body are famous brands. Even the presents she gave herself are not particularly expensive. The starting price is six figures for a set of crystal cups.

Could it be that I underestimated this girl, but actually this girl also has some background?Forget it, even if this girl has a background, she is not as good as Miss Qian's.Although she really likes this little girl.If there is no Miss Qian's, she doesn't mind her son being with this girl.

hold back... hold back...

"This is not about a cup. Auntie, you like this cup so much, of course you have to apologize if you break it." Xiao Xier said again.


Suru was a little speechless, she didn't expect this little girl to fight with her, but she was a bit stubborn, just like herself when she was young.No one can bear the slightest anger.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. I don't particularly like this cup, and there are several better tea sets at home. By the way, Yu Xi, what do you do at home?" Suru jumped topic,
"Reselling arms."

"What?!" Suru almost spit out all the rose tea she drank.This cute and cute little girl's family sells arms?Such a dangerous thing?
"Besides that, I also do other things. Reselling arms is just one of them." Xiao Xi'er replied calmly.Of course, Xiao Xier is very clear that this is not her main business.But reselling arms is highly profitable, and their family is also happy to do this kind of easy money.

For ordinary small families, reselling arms may be a dangerous thing.But the Qian family is so powerful that the government dare not act rashly. It can be said that the Qian family does not have the slightest risk in the arms business.In addition to the shallow family, the other four major families will also be involved to some extent.

It also includes Mou...

"You really can't be judged by appearances." Suru sighed a little, originally thought that this little girl's family would do some ordinary business, but who knew it was such a terrible business as arms reselling.This is one that will die if you are not careful.

(End of this chapter)

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