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Chapter 346 Don't Care About It

Chapter 346 Don't Care About It
Xiao Xi'er didn't make a sound, thinking silently in her heart, she will think so even more when you find out my identity in the future.

"It's getting late, does Yuxi want to eat here?" Suru asked.After roughly figuring out the girl's family background, there is nothing to say.But she has to show the demeanor of the Mu family's mistress.

"No need, it's getting late. I still have something to do, so I have to leave first." Xiao Xi'er declined.She can mock herself so many times in just such a short time, why bother to stay and let her make excuses to mock herself again.It's not good for the relationship to become too tense at this time.

"Since you have something to do, then I won't stay any longer." Suru didn't hold back either.

"I'll see you off." Mu Qianshu stood up and said to Xiao Xi'er.

"No need, you stay here with auntie. My driver will pick me up." Although today's girlfriend didn't perform [-]% well, it can be regarded as a success.

Let Mu Qianshu handle the next thing by himself.

"Let me see you off. There are still some things I want to tell you alone." Mu Qianshu said.What Suru said today, he felt that he had to apologize for his mother.

Xiao Xi'er looked at Suru and saw that there were no other emotions on her face, so she nodded in agreement.

"Yu Xi, I'm sorry, I didn't expect my mother to say that about you today." After getting into the car, Mu Qianshu quickly apologized to Xiao Xi'er.

"It seems that your mother likes the girl she photographed for you." Otherwise, how could you be so mean to yourself?

"That girl's family is very powerful. My mother really wants me to marry her, but I haven't even seen her face, and I don't want to marry that girl at all." She doesn't even want to contact girls she has known for a long time, Yuxi was the only exception.It is absolutely impossible for him to be with a girl he has never met before.

"However, it seems that I can't help you. Your mother is hostile to me. So this matter, you can only fight to the end by yourself!" Xiao Xi'er patted Mu Qianshu on the shoulder and encouraged.

"Are you...are you angry because of what my mother said?" Mu Qianshu asked cautiously, he found that he was very worried that Yu Xi would create a estrangement with him because of this matter.

"Hmm - there is a little bit. I have a very proud personality." Xiao Xi'er thought for a while and then said.She regarded Mu Qianshu as a friend, so she didn't intend to hide her emotions.

"I apologize to you for what my mother said. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't forgive her. I just hope...you can still be my friend in the future." When she reached out to catch the water that Yuxi was about to spit out, she He affirmed his feelings for Yu Xi, perhaps, he fell in love with Yu Xi a little bit.

If possible, he hoped that he could have a real fake show with Xiao Xi'er.I hope Xiao Xier can really be with herself.

"You have already apologized twice. I am a person with clear grievances and grievances, and I will not be so heartbroken that I will sever ties with you just because of your mother's two words. Don't worry, we are still good friends." Xiao Xi'er continued Words to reassure Mu Qianshu.

When Tangtang married her brother in the future, wouldn't they be a family?For Tangtang's sake, this matter can't be bothered.

"Thank you for being so generous." Mu Qianshu heaved a sigh of relief.But he couldn't help thinking that he would not have brought Yuxi here if he had known that Suru would say such things.

(End of this chapter)

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