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Chapter 347 That Miss

Chapter 347 That Miss
"Qianshu, I don't agree with you being with that girl."

After Mu Qianshu sent Xiao Xi'er back, Suru said straight to the point.

"Why can't we be together? What's wrong with her?" Mu Qianshu asked back.

"She is indeed a nice girl, but she is not good enough for you. Only the young lady from the Qian family is good enough for you." If there was no young lady from the Qian family, she might not object to him being with that girl .

"The lady from Qian's family? That lady will take over the entire Lian's enterprise in the future. She doesn't need any external ability to consolidate her position. Do you think that even if I choose her, she will choose me? Don't you know In the hearts of Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou, her status is more important than any power. Do you think they will force that young lady to marry me like you did?"

A few days ago, after learning about Suru and his father's plans, he went to investigate the Qian's news.It's a pity that people are so well protected that he can't find anything at all.All I know is that Qian's and Lian's value her more than their lives.Such a child who was spoiled and grown up is definitely not willing to marry a man he doesn't know.

"I believe in the charm of my son. As long as you show the tenderness you showed to that Lian Yuxi today to that lady from the Qian family, I guarantee that the lady from the Qian family will fall in love with you." She knew her son, if It's not because he hides when he sees a girl, his son is an out-and-out heartthrob.

"This is deceiving feelings, I will only be gentle with Yu Xi." Except for Yu Xi, even if it is pretending, she can't pretend to come.

"That girl's family is in the arms business. You know how dangerous the arms business is. You can't guarantee that she will die at someone's pistol tomorrow!"

"She won't." Because he has the ability to protect her.

"In short, I will not agree with you two together. You two must be separated. I will give her a large sum of money as compensation, and I can also give her funds to divert their family to other businesses. But you can't be in Together." Suru showed determination.

"Mom, please don't force me. I finally met a girl I like..." After so many years of avoiding women, finally there was someone around him who he was willing to hold hands with, and he didn't want to just give up like this.

"Mom doesn't want to force you, but you are my only son. If you really don't want to, then it's your younger sister who will marry the Qian family..." Compared to Tangtang marrying the Qian family, they hope that their son can marry someone return.

"Mom, Tangtang and I won't agree. Our brothers and sisters are capable of gaining a firm foothold in Mu's without the help of outsiders!" Whether it's me or Tangtang, I don't need any foreign help.

"It's not up to you to decide. If what I said to you is useless, then your dad will come and tell you in person. You understand your dad's temper. You should think about it carefully, you or Tangtang... "

As a mother, I am reluctant to force my son, but if I were a father, he would kidnap him too.

Not long after Xiao Xier went back, she received a strange call.

The person who called was Mu Qianshu's mother...

Xiao Xi'er probably guessed that she went to Mu Qianshu's mother to find her purpose.About to let herself leave her son.There are too many such plots in rich dramas.

(End of this chapter)

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