Chapter 349 Dining Together

Homosexuality is not uncommon in this day and age.Why are you making such a fuss?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xier forced herself not to think about Xingze's incident.

Seeing that it was twelve o'clock, Xiao Xi'er got up from the messy bed she had rolled on.Ready to enjoy your own lunch.As for the bed that was messed up by myself, someone will naturally come to make it up.

But when he arrived at the school gate, a luxury car suddenly stopped his way.

The window was quickly rolled down, and there was no one else sitting inside.It was Mu Qianshu's mother Suru...

"If you don't mind, let me treat you to lunch." Suru looked at Xiao Xi'er politely and said.

Xiao Xi'er hesitated for a while, she could refuse on the phone before, but now she is directly looking for her to find the school gate, how can she refuse.

"Get in the car, I just want to chat with you. You don't even have time for lunch, do you?" Seeing Xiao Xier's hesitation, Suru said again.

People have talked about this, and it seems very deliberate to make excuses for themselves.Xiao Xier had no choice but to get into Suru's car.

"Do you like Chinese food or Western food?" Suru asked.

"Western food." Xiao Xi'er replied casually.If Suru eats, it doesn't matter what it is...

"Go to the shop in Suhang." Suru said to the driver.

The store opened in Suhang?Xiao Xi'er was taken aback, Suru knew Suhang?After thinking about it again, indeed, the last names of these two people are the same.Moreover, Suhang and Mu Qianshu usually have a good relationship.It turns out that Su Hang is from Su Ru's mother's family?
Just as Xiao Xier thought, the destination of the car was the western restaurant that Xiao Xier often visited.

Obviously, it was not the first time for Suru to come.The waiters all knew Suru. As soon as Suru came, the waiter immediately put up a "Closed for business" sign at the restaurant door.

Suru is used to sitting in the box on the second floor by the window.It's well lit and quiet.

There was no one in the western restaurant on the second floor except Xiao Xi'er and Suru.Even after calling the waiter to deliver the meal, he disappeared.

"Auntie, what do you want to talk about when you come to see me?" Xiao Xi'er asked after eating two bites of steak, putting down her knife and fork.She is not in the mood to enjoy food now.

"You are a smart girl, you should know what I want to talk to you about. Actually, I don't want to talk about unnecessary nonsense." Suru also put down the knife and fork and said.

Originally, the purpose of coming to the restaurant today was not really to eat.

"Leave your son? Then you pay me a lot of money? Like on TV?"

"That's right, although I also think it's a bit vulgar to do so. But money can turn ghosts around. I don't think there is any relationship in this world that is more precious than money. My son is not an ordinary person. So I hope you can leave He, you are not a good match." If she could, she didn't want to seriously hurt this girl with too harsh words, she just hoped that she was a sensible girl.

"A good match doesn't come from outsiders. Besides, I'm not short of money." She will stand on Mu Qianshu's standpoint in this matter, and will continue to pretend to be Mu Qianshu's beloved girlfriend in front of Suru.

"I know you're not short of money, and I'm giving you money just to show off. And to be honest, I like you a lot. But my son has a fiancee, and you have to separate." She had already thought about it before she came, and she wanted to let this The girl retreated despite difficulties...

(End of this chapter)

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