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Chapter 350 The Identity of That Person

Chapter 350 The Identity of That Person

She has nothing to do with her son, but it's much easier to just give this girl a strong dose of medicine and make her leave voluntarily.

She had noticed the girl's arrogance since the first time she negotiated with the girl the day before.

Although she looks cute and cute, her self-esteem is higher than anyone else.And she is not willing to suffer a little bit of grievance, she is a proud girl.

It was because of her pride that she decided to deliberately lie and tell her that her son had a fiancee. If you insist on being your son's girlfriend, then you are a third party.

How could such a proud girl be willing to be someone else's third party?

Sure enough, the girl's expression changed after she heard what she said.He became a little dignified, and his brows were tightly locked.

It seems that the lie I made up is very effective.

"I didn't know that Mu Qianshu had a fiancée." Xiao Xi'er said.Mu Qianshu only told himself that he had a suitable blind date partner.But it didn't say that there was even an engagement partner.

Did Mu Qianshu get engaged without telling her?No... Although she didn't know Mu Qianshu for a long time, Mu Qianshu would never let herself act as a fake girlfriend when she had a fiancée.

"I know you don't know that Qianshu has a fiancée. Even Qianshu himself doesn't know that he has a fiancée. It's just that I have discussed with Qianshu's father and the family who will marry our Qianshu in the future. The engagement is Sooner or later."

"It's you adults who keep saying that it's for the best of the children? So you never consider the children's feelings, and you don't ask the children if they are willing. You can't wait to manage their lives for them, choose their spouses, and plan their lives as your own. What do you want to see?" Xiao Xier questioned sentence by sentence.

She was also angry that Lian Yurou and Qian Mingze made random decisions for Qian Yuyou, but fortunately, the object was Tangtang.And they listened to what I said to them.

But now Mu Qianshu also encountered the same thing, but the other party was really a person who had never masked his face.She could imagine that Mu Qianshu would be in pain for the rest of his life because of such a arranged marriage!

Suru couldn't refute Xiao Xi'er's words, she didn't expect that a teenage girl could say such a thing, it was really surprising.

"Mu Qianshu will not agree with you to make such a decision. So Auntie, don't force him." Xiao Xi'er continued.

"Speaking of it, isn't it that you are reluctant to part with Qianshu? Qianshu is my son, and he will always listen to me if I am patient. The key is that you let go. He likes you and loves you now. If you let go, I will I don't believe he will have any dissatisfaction with his future fiancée." If you haven't tried it, who knows that an arranged marriage won't be happy?

"Having said this, I also feel a little tired. I can break up with Mu Qianshu, and I don't want a penny from your family. The premise is that you don't force him, don't force him to choose someone he doesn't like." She The purpose of being with Mu Qianshu was to act in a play, and the purpose was to stop the absurd marriage.

"Yu Xi, do you know who Qian Shu will marry in the future? If you know her identity, you will understand why I must separate you. Because she is more suitable for Qian Shu than you."

Even if Qian Shu had a fiancée, this girl's determination to be with Qian Shu couldn't be shaken, so she had no choice but to move out of the identity of that one, so that she would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

(End of this chapter)

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