Sweet green plum please sign

Chapter 352 What's the matter? Chapter 1

Chapter 352 What is going on
Ask your parents if there is such a thing!

Seeing Xiao Xier leave, Suru breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this girl knows how terrifying her opponent is.

That's right, that's the lady from Qian's family after all.When I think of that lady, I can't help but admire.

At the age of 15, he received a diploma from the highest institution of higher learning.No one in this world has such a skill.

Such a natural princess can really make women all over the world feel ashamed.Even as a woman, I can feel admiration even if I don't look at that photo.Not to mention his son who is still in his youth.

No matter how sweet and fragrant the wild roses on the roadside are, they just make people stop to smell their fragrance.Only noble peonies make people want to plant them in their own yards.

Sooner or later, Qianshu will understand that Peony is his choice.

"Yu Xi, what a coincidence, are you here too?"

As soon as Xiao Xi'er came out of the western restaurant, she bumped into Su Hang who was coming.

"What's the coincidence, didn't you drive this place!" Xiao Xi'er said angrily.After finishing speaking, I will never pay attention to Suhang again.

"Why did you lose your temper so much? When did I provoke her again?" Seeing Xiao Xi'er leave, Suhang couldn't figure out how he had offended her.

Obviously last week when he took Yuxi to the drama club, she politely said thank you to him.Could it be that... Is it wrong to own this restaurant?
Su Hang said he was at a loss.


"The meeting begins. Before the meeting begins, we will summarize the work of last week."

There were less than ten people in the huge meeting room.The leader was a woman in business attire who looked about 30 years old.

There was no expression on her face, and she was in a state of high tension during the meeting.

"knock knock"

"Secretary Tian, ​​there is a person outside who claims to be Ms. Qianjia is going to enter the company." The meeting had just started when a small employee knocked on the door and interrupted him.

"Miss Qian?" The person called Secretary Tian was the woman who called the meeting.

She is Lian Yurou's personal secretary. Although she is only a secretary, she handles most of the affairs of Lian's main company.

Lian Yurou may only stay in the company for two or three days a month.And she is Lian Yurou's most trusted secretary, so she handles all of Lian's affairs as a matter of course.

"Yes, she said she was coming to the chairman." The employee replied.

Of course Secretary Tian knew who the shallow lady the staff was referring to was.It's just that it's not clear whether the people outside are really Miss Qian.

After all, that young lady has never been to the company.Whether it's Lian's Group or Qian's Group, her personality is quite playful in my impression.And the company's affairs don't require her to get started so early.

"You ask the front desk to call me. I'll go and confirm her identity." Secretary Tian said again.

Although she felt that Miss Qian would not come to the company, she was not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.If it's Miss Qian, she can't bear the responsibility of neglecting her.

"Okay." After that, the employee turned around and went to inform the front desk.

"The meeting is suspended first, everyone wait for me here for a while, and I will come back after I finish handling the matter." Secretary Tian got up and said to everyone who was attending the meeting.After speaking, he immediately returned to his office, waiting for a call from the front desk later.

 Thank you for your support and comments.Starting tomorrow, we will continue to explode more [-]~

(End of this chapter)

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