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Chapter 353 Depressed things

Chapter 353 Depressed things

Soon the phone in Secretary Tian's office rang.Secretary Tian didn't think much about it, and connected immediately.

"Hello, who are you?" Secretary Tian asked first.

"It's me." There was Xiao Xi'er's crisp voice.

Xiao Xier's voice is very soft and clean.Very unique sound, high resolution.

Secretary Tian recognized Xiao Xi'er's voice as soon as she heard it.

"Miss, I'll send you to the office right away." It really is Miss Qian who is here!
Although I don't know why Miss Qian came to the company, but since she came, she must treat this lady with the same respect as she treats the chairman.

"No need, I'm looking for my mother. Is she in the company?" Xiao Xi'er asked.

Xiao Xi'er had called Lian Yurou just now, but the phone kept saying that it was turned off, so she had no choice but to find the company.

"What a coincidence, Miss, Madam flew to Germany an hour ago to attend a very important meeting, and she may still be on the plane at the moment." Secretary Tian said regretfully.

Otherwise, today's executive meeting was not held by her.

"Germany... well, I get it." It was the first time I was so anxious to find my parents, but they were not there.

When she called Lian Yurou before, she couldn't get through, and later she called Qian Mingze, but she couldn't get through either.It seems that even Yurou and Qian Mingze should be on the plane to Germany.

"Miss, is there anything important you need to do with your wife? I can help you with general matters." After all, this lady has never been to the company to look for someone.There must have been some trouble.As the wife's first secretary, it is necessary for her to solve problems for her future boss.

"No need. When my mother comes back, please call me back. I'll go first." Regarding the matter of getting engaged to yourself, how could it be something that a secretary can solve for yourself?

"Okay lady."

After hanging up the phone, Secretary Tian didn't think too much about it.I just explained to the few staff at the front desk that if this lady comes again in the future, there is no need to notify, and no one is allowed to stop this lady wherever she wants to go.

After being told by Secretary Tian, ​​several employees immediately affirmed Xiao Xi'er's identity.Thinking about when Xiao Xi'er would come again, they had to take good care of her.Opportunities for promotion and salary increase are in sight.

Xiao Xier was so depressed that she went back to school and was called by the head teacher Xing Ze to have a talk.

And the place of conversation is still that office.The room she saw that night...

"Student Yu Xi, you don't need to be so nervous, sit down." Xing Ze pointed to the chair beside him.

Xiao Xier was a little hesitant, because the table directly in front of the chair was the place where Xingze had a "battle" with that male student that day.

Xiao Xier really couldn't stand it...

"What's wrong? You look a little uncomfortable?" Seeing Xiao Xi'er's appearance at this moment, how could she be as smart as Xing Ze not guess the impact of what happened that day on her?However, he deliberately pretended not to know.

Pretentiously, he ranked second and no one dared to take the first place.

"It's okay, I'll be fine just standing up. What does Teacher Xing want from me?" Xiao Xi'er asked.

"Nothing particularly important, I just wanted to ask you about Yan Bai, I think you have a pretty good relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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