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Chapter 360 A Real Slap

Chapter 360 A Real Slap

Of course, he gave Gao Ranran a slap in the face.

Although it was said at the beginning of the performance that I would borrow a seat, I would borrow a seat.However, Xiao Xier didn't intend to pay attention to these things.With a solid slap, the people around were stunned.

Gao Ranran wanted to get angry, but Xiao Xi'er waved her hand.An apologetic expression said to Gao Ranran: "Sorry, I missed it. Let's not waste time and continue rehearsing."

When Xiao Xier said this, others really thought she had missed it.

Xiao Xier's slap was clever.Although the slap on Gao Ranran was not loud, it probably wouldn't hurt in the eyes of outsiders.

But that slap was real, a hard slap.The beating person has gold stars in his eyes.

But Gao Ranran wanted to get mad, and when she saw Xiao Xier's appearance, she immediately thought of her hand being pinched off.Facing Xiao Xi'er, the whole person's aura instantly weakened.

For Xiao Xi'er, she seemed to be afraid from the bottom of her heart.

It was the second rehearsal, but this time Xiao Xi'er didn't really play Gao Ranran.After all, if you hit him twice in a row, others will become suspicious.

But Gao Ranran mistakenly thought that Xiao Xi'er was going to beat her.Shrinking his neck, his eyes were full of panic.

It has been nearly two hours since the rehearsal of the two dramas.

The total running time of the play is 10 minutes.During rehearsals, I was often blocked temporarily.So the speed is a little slow.

The president originally wanted to rehearse at least three times today.After all, the hero and heroine are both newcomers.But the result was unexpectedly good.Xiao Xi'er and Ye Ziyue's performance was even better than some of the supporting actors who had rehearsed for a long time.

According to such a tacit understanding, the New Year's Day celebration that is about to start in a week only needs to be rehearsed twice a day to perform perfectly.

It was already six o'clock in the evening when Xiao Xi'er left from the drama club.It was almost dark.

But it may be approaching the New Year's Day celebration.In addition to the drama club, there are many clubs that are working overtime.

Compared with the tranquility of last week, the whole school is obviously much more lively this week.

"Little Xi'er, are you free to come to my house today? Quan is here too." After leaving the drama club, Ye Ziyue hurriedly asked.He hadn't been with Xiao Xi'er for a long time.It feels like Xiao Xier is drifting away from her...

"This...I..." She originally planned to visit Wei Ya.And tell her about the drama I rehearsed today.However, this should be the second time Ye Ziyue invited herself.

"Well, it's just a meal. Quan hasn't seen you for a long time!" Seeing Xiao Xi'er hesitated, Ye Ziyue quickly said again, he didn't want to be rejected a second time.

"That's fine. But I want to go to the hospital to see Wei Ya, can you go with me?" It's true that I haven't seen Ye Kaiquan for a long time.

"Of course." Ye Ziyue quickly agreed.

"By the way, what has Brother Quan been up to lately?" Xiao Xi'er realized that he was rarely seen on TV recently.There are even some news saying that something happened to him...

"He is now handling all the affairs of the family, big and small, and is ready to take over Ye's."

"I see." Thinking about how busy my parents are.Ye Kaiquan just took over, so there are more things to do.

After going to the hospital to see Wei Ya and chatting for a while, Xiao Xi'er took Ye Ziyue's car and set off to Ye's house.

The Ye family has not changed much. Except for updating some furniture, the rest is simple and the same as before.

 How many babies are already on summer vacation~
(End of this chapter)

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