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Chapter 361 Pushed Down

Chapter 361 Pushed Down

Suru is in a good mood today.Because she succeeded in making the girl named Lian Yuxi leave her son.

It's just that the good mood didn't last long, and my husband in the UK called.

Yesterday, she told Mu Qianshu's father, Mu Cheng, that her son had a girlfriend.

Mu Cheng was a little dissatisfied after learning about this incident, and originally wanted to fly to China immediately, so that his son would be separated from that unknown woman immediately.But there is Suru's persuasion.

Suru said that she could handle this matter well and let that girl leave, so Mu Cheng didn't say anything more.

Mu Cheng is usually a workaholic, and he won't call Suru when he has nothing to do.

Today, Suru didn't have time to tell Mu Cheng that the girl had left, but who knew that Mu Cheng had already called in advance.

"Hello, Mu Cheng. It's a coincidence that your call came. I just happen to have some good news for you." Suru said happily as soon as she answered the phone.

She didn't have any doubts in her heart why Mu Cheng called.I was so happy that I forgot to think about Mu Cheng's abnormality.

"Really? But I have some bad news." Mu Cheng over there said with a sigh.

"Bad news? What bad news." Mu Cheng rarely had such a tone, and Suru couldn't help becoming serious.

The bad news that Mu Cheng said must be really bad news...

"Qianjia, he doesn't agree with Qianshu being with their daughter." Mu Cheng said.I don't know why today, Patriarch Qian called him.Said that his daughter had no relationship with his son.There is no need to meet.

Obviously, they and Qian's family talked well at the beginning.Whether it is destined or not, at least we must meet first.But before we met, Qian Mingze dismissed the matter.And when he pushed it down, his tone was not very good, as if he was still a little angry about this matter.

"How did this happen? What happened?" Suru was taken aback, originally thought that the in-laws were married, how could the Qian family backtrack?

"I don't know. I didn't have time to ask more. He just said that the two children are not suitable." Obviously this is an excuse. After all, the two children have not met yet. How do you know if there is a relationship?

"Then, what about Tangtang? They won't push it too, will they?" If both of them push it down, that would be really bad news.

"They didn't say anything about Tangtang. But... I'm worried..."

"Don't worry, I'm here. Tomorrow I will personally visit Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou. There is also the matter about Qian Shu and Miss Qian's family. I will fight for it again." Suru said, the Mu family has never been Someone who gives up easily.

"Well, good." Mu Cheng replied.It seems that I have to find a day to go to China.At least the Tangtang matter should be settled first.But don't be unable to catch up with the young lady of the Qian family, and even the young master of the Qian family.

"By the way, what is the good news you just said?" Mu Cheng asked again.After calling herself, Suru seemed to say that she had good news.

"It was good news at first, but... it shouldn't be good news now. That girl has already broken up with Qian Shu. I could have gone to see Miss Qian's family, but who knows that Qian's family is... ah. " Suru replied disappointedly.

Now Qian's family does not allow his son to be with their daughter.It doesn't matter whether the son has a girlfriend now or not.

(End of this chapter)

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