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Chapter 373 What's the Ending

Chapter 373 What's the Ending
"Go, go and invite Miss Qian out." Suru hurriedly said to the people around her.

She almost made Qian Yuxi drink that cup of poisoned milk tea just now... Then the person she killed was the baby of Qian Lian's family.

Fortunately, the precipice reined in.Asahi Nozomi hasn't drunk yet...

If he really forced her to drink it, then... the consequences would be unimaginable!
This time, Xiao Xier was really invited out.

"Xiao Xi'er, are you okay? She didn't do anything to you, did she!" Seeing Xiao Xi'er come out, Lian Yurou hurriedly asked.

After checking Xiao Xi'er's body up and down, she was worried that Xiao Xi'er was covered in injuries just like when she was kidnapped last time.

But fortunately, Suru didn't appear to have tortured Xiao Xi'er.

Seeing the appearance of Lian Yurou and Xiao Xi'er, Suru felt a touch of despair in her heart.She originally thought that this Lian Yuxi might not necessarily be the daughter of the Qianlian family.But looking at Lian Yurou's appearance...

She only had a little more emotion on her face when she talked about her daughter.

It was the first time she saw Lian Yurou who was so excited.

It turned out that she was really the young lady from Qian's family.

All these days, what she did was in vain.It also abruptly made the relationship between the two parties like this.Who in the shallow family is not arrogant?Being disturbed by me like this, Miss Qian's family is afraid that she will never be with her son again.

Think about how she actually told this Miss Qian's family yesterday that her son had already engaged her...

What a sarcasm.No wonder she ran to Lien's at noon.

The lie was exposed face to face, and I felt my face was burning hot.Suru felt ashamed to England.

Forget it, I still plan to kill someone...

Right now, my stomach is turning green with regret.If I followed my heart at that time, I just thought that Lian Yuxi was a good girl, and I didn't think about what must be Miss Qianjia.It must be a happy scene now.Ms. Qianjia might really want to be with Qianshu.

But now.If Qian Yuxi told Lian Yurou that he was going to give her a cup of poisoned milk tea to directly poison her daughter to death, Mu Shi and Qian Shi Lian Shi would definitely turn against each other.Not to mention that the son can no longer be with Miss Qian's family, even the daughter's marriage will have to be annulled.

In the future, I don't know if Qian Lian will start to fight against them because of what happened today.What will happen when Qianshu takes over the family business in the future...

Or, Qian Lian and the two turned against themselves directly. For the sake of their daughter, they can do anything...

At this moment, Suru thought a lot.Her face turned from white to blue, and the worst consequence might be that she died in J City, and from then on, Qianlian and Mu's family were incompatible...

"Little Xi'er, why are you silent? What did she do to you?" Seeing that Xiao Xi'er remained silent, Lian Yurou hurriedly asked again.

"Auntie didn't do anything to me, she just invited me home to have a chat." Xiao Xi'er laughed.The silence just now was just thinking about whether to tell the truth.

But after weighing it, Xiao Xier decided to keep it a secret for the time being.Compared to suffering such a mild grievance today, Qian Lian didn't need to break skin with Mu Shi because of this.

After all, except himself and Mu Qianshu are friends.The relationship between Tangtang and Asayu Yu also needs to last.If the relationship really froze today, there must be nothing going on between Asayu Yu and Tangtang.

This time, it's just for the sake of Tangtang and Qianshu.

 Thanks to Misfortune, Ghost Snow Cherry Blossom, Nangang Weiyin, Drunk Cat, Star Private Arrival, (Korean Symbols), Xi Ruoyi, XSQ Shan, Fairy-flavored Mentality, Cherry Blossom Rainfall, Susu, Liu Lanbing, Hey , the prosperity is gone, the years are like water, books by, a ray of sunshine, Queen Chengcheng Chengcheng, the person I love, Cunjing, the most beautiful you, that cloud in the sky, ah, shallow time, bloody flowers, islands, Incomparable love, L, Miracle, everyone's support~ Everyone is so enthusiastic and touched today~ There are many characters that I can't type, so I can't type all the names of many people, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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