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Chapter 374 The World Is So Small

Chapter 374 The World Is So Small

"Just chatting and talking?" Lian Yurou obviously didn't believe it.She has seen such a scene too many times.

How many wealthy ladies would do anything to deal with their son's unworthy girlfriend.

Before this, Suru didn't know the identity of her daughter.If she hadn't arrived in time, Suru would have dealt a cruel blow to her daughter.The security outside the door is tight, as evidenced by the fact that Xiao Xier's bodyguards were detained outside the door.

And Xiao Xi'er was not in the lobby when he came, but in another place, which made him even more sure.

"Well, it's just for chatting, isn't it auntie?" After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er looked at Suru again, and said with a smile like a flower.

"Ah, um, I, I just invited you to chat." Suru was asked and quickly nodded in affirmative answer.She didn't know what Xiao Xi'er was going to do, but it seemed that she didn't plan to talk about that cup of poisoned milk tea?
Why is this……

"Since it's just a simple chat, then we came here abruptly." Lian Yurou didn't continue to ask.

Since Xiao Xi'er didn't say anything, it was something she wanted to hide.Xiao Xier must have her own plan.

"No, no, don't say that. I took the liberty to bring your daughter here without your consent first. It's only human for you to be worried about your daughter..." She clearly knew that she was the one who was really unreasonable.

"It's just that the milk tea at my aunt's house is really not very tasty, so I'll make it for someone else in the future." Xiao Xi'er said again.

Hearing the word milk tea, Suru felt the pores all over her body stand up.I'm really worried that she will tell about the poisoned milk tea.

"Auntie, let's throw away today's cup of milk tea. It's too bad." Seeing Suru's expression, Xiao Xi'er deliberately added another sentence.

"Dump it, it should be thrown away. Next time, I must prepare the most delicious milk tea." Oh my god, when will I get around this topic!

Does Asahi Nozomi want to reveal the milk tea thing?My heart can't stand this...

"It's getting late, Daddy and Mommy, let's go back first. It's so late, don't disturb auntie's rest." Xiao Xi'er felt that it was better to save some face for Suru, just gently stimulating her was enough.

But Suru may have trouble sleeping these days.

"Well, baby is right, it's getting late. Let's go back." Lian Yuju said.

"Daddy, Mommy, wait for me, I still want to talk to my aunt alone." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er walked up to Suru again.

"Auntie, only you and I know what happened today. I am friends with Tangtang and Qianshu. I won't talk about the poisoned milk tea, and neither should you. I don't want Tangtang and Qianshu to know that you are like that Man, they will be chilled."

Xiao Xi'er spoke in a very low voice, only Suru and herself could hear her, and she left after speaking.

Compared with vans, luxury cars are really comfortable to sit in.

After Xiao Xi'er left, Suru's mood did not calm down for a long time.

This fact is too difficult to accept.For the first time, I felt that the world was so small.

The child Qianshu probably didn't know that the girl he liked was Miss Qian's family.If he knew, he would definitely blame himself.

Although Nozomi Asaba said that she was just acting with Chiki that day, she also believed Nozomi's words.Maybe she was acting.But his son is definitely not acting.

He really likes Asahi Nozomi.

(End of this chapter)

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