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Chapter 375 Thanks to Suru

Chapter 375 Thanks to Suru

As for Nozomi Asaba's identity, it's better not to tell Chiaki yet.

Suru thought so.

After telling Mu Cheng about this, Mu Cheng was silent for a while.It took a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "I'm going back to China now. We have to come to the door to apologize for this matter."

In fact, Suru herself also felt a little wronged, if she knew the identity of Qian Yuxi earlier, would she have trouble with Qian Yuxi?

However, the Qian family has that kind of ancestral training, which is really fatal...

But the child can be as calm and calm as her mother, and she is not afraid of danger.Even if she wants her life, she can calmly negotiate terms with herself, which is really not easy.

This point is exactly the same as Lian Yurou.

Mu Cheng was madly infatuated with Lian Yurou back then, and now his son is in love with Lian Yurou's daughter.It's a pity that Mu Cheng couldn't ask for it back then.

Now my son doesn't know if he has that fate.


"Xiao Xi'er, tell Mommy honestly, what did Suru do to you?" Back at Qian's house, Lian Yurou couldn't help asking again.She could promise Xiao Xi'er not to do anything, but she couldn't help wondering what exactly Suru did.

"She originally wanted to poison me to death, but later she gave up on that idea. She thought your daughter was smart and cute, so she couldn't bear it anymore." Xiao Xi'er laughed.My mother should believe such words.

"So cruel? Fortunately, she didn't really do that, otherwise I wouldn't even give Mu Cheng any face, and just poison her to death." She and Mu Cheng also had a little friendship, and she agreed to marry because she trusted Mu Cheng Sincerely, this person is a human being.

Otherwise, the lifelong happiness of their children would not be so easily agreed.

"Is Mu Cheng the head of the Mu family?" The Mu family has always kept his name a secret.So hearing Mommy say Mu Cheng's name is a little strange.

"It's Patriarch Mu, that guy doesn't know why, but he actually fell in love with that woman Suru." Regarding Suru, Lian Yurou's tone seemed to be disdainful.

Except what she did to her own daughter today.What made Lian Yurou hate her the most was the nasty things she did against Mu Cheng back then.

But with the passage of time, Suru has changed a lot.Originally, even Yurou should change her mind towards Suru, but who knows what Suru did today reminded Lian Yurou of what happened more than [-] years ago.

At that time, it was not as open as it is now. It can be said that you have to get married as soon as you go to bed.The reason why Mu Cheng is with Suru is that he has suffered from the age.

"Suru...what did she do?" Seeing the disdain on Lian Yurou's face when she mentioned Suru, Xiao Xi'er couldn't help but wonder.

"Cough, Xiao Xi'er, don't ask this." Qian Mingze who was on the side heard that Lian Yurou was about to turn over old stories, Qian Mingze interrupted quickly.In fact, he is grateful to Suru, without Suru, he might not be able to catch up with Yurou.

"Daddy, do you know too?" Xiao Xi'er chased after him.

"I know. If there is no Suru, your father may be the head of the Mu family."

"I still think Daddy is better." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er couldn't help but hug Qian Mingze and said coquettishly.

Qian Mingze felt that he was very happy, very happy.There is a woman I love deeply, a well-behaved daughter, and four sons.

"I think so too." Lian Yurou also nodded.Fortunately, Qian Mingze was there during her most painful days.True love is companionship.


 Thanks to Liuguang Huannian (Korean symbols), 159*****1500, fairy-like mentally retarded, from childhood to old age together, just want to look at you quietly, Mu Xingxing, if you are well, it will be sunny, Haijiao listens to you Ruo Qianchang, Yunqian Momo, Mengmeng Nan, ignorant cats, all my darlings for your support~
  This chapter was updated relatively late. Just now, I was locked in the toilet for nearly an hour without my mobile phone. I almost thought I was going to be locked up overnight, and I was crying blind...

(End of this chapter)

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