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Chapter 376 Confession to Yan Bai

Chapter 376 Confession to Yan Bai

When I arrived at school the next day, I found that Ye Ziyue hadn't come.Xiao Xi'er probably guessed Ye Ziyue's mood at the moment.

Originally, I thought that I would not come to school today, but I promised Wei Ya to take part in a drama for her.If I don't go to the rehearsal, rumors will probably spread...

Ye Ziyue, a good student who is a good student, did not come to school, but Yan Bai came here for an unprecedented time.

Before Xiao Xi'er had time to go over to say hello, the discussions of the students next to her attracted all of Xiao Xi'er's attention.

"Have you heard, Cheng Bihua from Class [-] confessed to Yan Bai in the morning!"

"Really? Cheng Bihua from Class [-]? That Gaoling flower will also confess first? I always think she is the type of confession!"

"That's right! The moment Yan Bai entered the school, she took the school radio and confessed in front of the whole school!"

"Oh my god, it's so exciting. Did Yan Bai accept it? Cheng Bihua's kind of arrogant and beautiful girl should be rarely rejected by men, right?"

"I don't know if I accept it or not, but that Yan Bai is so aloof. He didn't say a word as if he didn't hear the confession on such a big broadcast."

"Confession, Cheng Bihua confessed to Yan Bai, that girl actually confessed to Yan Bai." Hearing these people's discussions, Xiao Xi'er's mouth dropped open.

Doesn't Cheng Bihua like Ye Ziyue?Empathy, don't fall in love with Yan Bai?
Isn't it right?How many times have they met?If this is true, the speed of Cheng Bihua's transference is too fast.


Why is the subject Yan Bai?

I don't know why, but I still feel so uncomfortable.

"You said that Cheng Bihua confessed to Yan Bai in the morning, is it true? How many people in the school know?" Xiao Xi'er walked towards the group who were discussing.

"Ah, yes, it's true. She used the school radio to confess to Yan Bai before seven o'clock in the morning, and many people heard it." The other party replied affirmatively.

"Where did she fall in love with Yan Bai? She actually ran to confess her love!" After getting an affirmative answer, Xiao Xi'er became a little depressed.

She felt that she was angry for Ye Ziyue.Obviously at that time Cheng Bihua liked Ye Ziyue very much, but she was so ruthless!

Listening to what Xiao Xier said when Xiao Xier left, the people discussing with each other stared wide-eyed.

What does it mean that she fell in love with Yan Bai?Yan Bai is simply the Prince Charming in the eyes of all the girls in the school, okay?Not only is she beautiful, but her academic performance is also excellent in all aspects!It also has an aristocratic and noble temperament.For such a perfect person, any advantage can make a woman scream crazily.

"Good morning, Yan Bai." Xiao Xi'er walked to Yan Bai and sat down next to him and said.

"But, I don't think you're in a good mood." Yan Bai saw through it at a glance and said.

"Have you?" Xiao Xi'er blinked her eyes, was her performance so obvious?
"En." Yan Bai nodded in affirmation.

"By the way, Yan Bai, did Cheng Bihua confess to you this morning?" She was still very concerned, she wanted to know what Yan Bai was thinking.


"Then what about your answer? Are you going to agree to her?" Xiao Xi'er herself didn't know how much she wanted to know Yan Bai's answer at this moment.

"I don't like her, I won't agree to her." He didn't even remember Cheng Bihua's face, how could he be with such a person,
 When you saw the title, did you think Xiao Xier was going to confess, but I’m actually a title party hahahaha hiccup
  Regarding the locked toilet, it is actually not campus violence, nor is it intentional.I was at my grandma's house, and the bathroom in my grandma's house was independent... Then my family members had to go to a relative's house not far away for dinner at night.I happened to go to the toilet, but my mother thought I had already gone to a relative's house, and saw that the toilet door was unlocked, so they didn't expect me to be in the toilet, and then they locked the door...that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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