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Chapter 377 You Like Me

Chapter 377 You Like Me
"That's good." Hearing Yan Bai's answer, Xiao Xier breathed a sigh of relief.In fact, with Yan Bai's personality, Xiao Xi'er thinks that he is not suitable for love, and also thinks that Yan Bai will not agree to Cheng Bihua.

But I am not Yan Bai, so I cannot be sure of Yan Bai's thoughts.

"By the way, when did you meet Cheng Bihua? Why did she suddenly confess to you?" Xiao Xi'er was still puzzled by this.Except that day at the Budokan, the two of them should have never met, right?Moreover, the two of them should have had no contact that day.

"I don't know. I only remember her name. I don't remember exactly what she looks like. I should have seen her once in the Budokan that day." Yan Bai replied.

She didn't have any impression of Cheng Bihua.In fact, the first time he met Chen Bihua was in a restaurant.But Yan Bai is blind... I have long forgotten about this person.

"So you only met once?" Xiao Xi'er asked.

"Maybe I've seen it a few times, but I don't have any impression." After all, they are all in the same school, and he is face-blind, so he can't be sure.

"Suddenly, I feel that Cheng Bihua seems a bit miserable..." If Cheng Bihua really confessed to Yan Bai.But she couldn't even remember how pale her face was.

"Yan Bai, do you have someone you like? Is there anyone you want to confess to?" Xiao Xi'er rarely wanted to gossip.

I always feel that Yan Bai looks like the type who wants nothing.It seems that I will never be contaminated by those so-called love and love in my life.

"I have someone I like." Yan Bai replied.

"Who is it?" Xiao Xier asked again.

"You." Yan Bai answered naturally.He knew very well that he liked Xiao Xi'er.

But perhaps, he has always thought that this kind of liking is just an ordinary liking for friends, and has never been associated with love.

Listening to Yan Bai's answer without even thinking about it, Xiao Xi'er blushed suddenly.She is still ignorant about love, but at least she has been in contact with it.

The warm and sweet love between my third brother and Nanxun.There is also the love between Asayu Yu and Tangtang's friends.And Mu Xiaoxiao's stalking love for her elder brother.

Although she has never been in love, she has experienced Ye Ziyue's confession to herself yesterday.She is extremely sensitive about the subject of love.

"You like me, why don't you come and confess to me?" Xiao Xi'er asked.

Ye Ziyue confessed to herself yesterday, although she refused.

Hearing Xiao Xi'er's words, Yan Bai suddenly became serious.

"Do you want me to confess to you?" If Xiao Xi'er wanted to, he could immediately agree.

"Ah, no, no, that's what I asked." Xiao Xi'er quickly waved her hands.She doesn't want to be confessed yet.Ye Ziyue confessed to herself yesterday, so now the relationship between the two of them has become so rigid, she doesn't want her relationship with Yan Bai to become like that.

"Xiao Xi'er, as long as it's what you want, I can agree." Yan Bai said, it doesn't matter if Xiao Xi'er wants love or friendship.

Xiao Xi'er felt that what Yan Bai said now was more sensational than when Ye Ziyue confessed to her yesterday.Yan Bai treats himself well and doesn't ask for anything in return.

Her heart was beating so fast that she even felt that if Yan Bai really confessed his love to her, she would become confused...

"Xiao Xi'er, your face is so red." Yan Bai said worriedly looking at Xiao Xi'er's face that suddenly turned red.

The love idiot said that he couldn't understand why Xiao Xi'er's face was red.

 If you still don't see who the leading actor is, kill me!
  Reader group number: 539607580, answer Asahi Yuki, Xiao Xier or even Yuxi.

  Qianqian qq: 1797097521, Qianqian does not chat, so I hope you only come to Qianqian when you are in a hurry.General question?Are you shallow?Qianqian will not reply to questions like this~ Just ask Qianqian and ask the question directly!

  Thanks to the elk for lost, Xing Xing privately, J Xiazhi Y, ……………, (Korean symbols), Limerence forever, Wanwei’s Rose, Yu Lian Ying, Luo Ying Li Die, everyone’s rewards and support~

(End of this chapter)

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