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Chapter 385 Painful?

Chapter 385 Painful?
"But... I don't believe it." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er shot Gao Ranran's left hand again.


Gao Ranran cried out in pain.She really underestimated Lian Yuxi, she was more ruthless than Cheng Bihua!
"Is it painful? Is it uncomfortable? The real uncomfortable thing is yet to come." After crippling her two arms, he regarded it as revenge for Wei Ya.

Of course, he just avenged Wei Ya.There are still people who haven't reported it.

It was too late, Chu Fengxing had already appeared in a sports car.Two cars followed behind him.

Chu Fengxing kept in touch with Xiao Xier's bodyguards, so he knew the location.

"The woman who hurt Wei Ya is here, and I'll leave it to you to deal with it, but you owe me a favor." Seeing that Chu Fengxing had got off the car and drove to her side, Xiao Xi'er pointed at Gao Ranran.

"Thank you, I will definitely keep your favor in mind!" After so many days, this man who dared to hurt his woman was caught!Now I can finally feel at ease.

"Take it away!" Chu Fengxing turned his head and said to his subordinates who followed him.

Those subordinates hurried forward to lift Gao Ranran up, ready to throw him into the car.

"Who are you, why are you arresting me, let go, let me go!" Gao Ranran didn't know where the strength came from.She was extremely frightened when she saw the man with a scar on his face.Fear from the bottom of my heart.

She felt that if she fell into this person's hands, she would definitely die!She cannot be taken away!Never be caught by this man!
However, Gao Ranran's strength was like scratching an itch for two grown men.What's more, Gao Ranran's left and right arms were shot!

Gao Ranran's resistance didn't help at all.She was easily thrown into the trunk of the car.

"You guys, where are you taking my sister?" Seeing Gao Ranran being thrown into the car like this, Gao Minmin asked quickly, pulling Xiao Xi'er's arm.

"I don't know about that. In short, prepare a coffin." Xiao Xi'er smiled and pushed Gao Minmin's hand away.

"No, no, don't! Lian Yuxi, do you have to be so cruel? Didn't my sister call you here? Do you have to be so cruel? You pierced both of her arms, it's not enough What!" What's more, they haven't caused any real harm to Lian Yuxi yet.

"Didn't you just call me here? Heh, so you haven't told you about the good things your sister did." It seems that Gao Minmin doesn't know about the headlights yet, and feels that her sister is wronged.

"What a good thing..." Gao Minmin really didn't know about it.

"It's fine if you don't know. But since you say I'm so ruthless, don't you guys have to take two bullets each?" Xiao Xi'er continued to scare the crowd who were already overly frightened at the moment.

A group of girls are only sixteen or seventeen years old. After experiencing such a fright, it is estimated that they will be shadowed for a lifetime.

"I don't want to embarrass you too much. If you want me to let you go today, just promise me one condition." Xiao Xi'er said leisurely again.

After hearing that, the women quickly looked up at Xiao Xi'er and asked, "We agree to any conditions!"

As long as they don't end up like Gao Ranran today, not only took two bullets, but also was dragged away by someone.Ask them to kneel down and bark like a dog, and they will kneel down and bark without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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