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Chapter 386 All disappeared

Chapter 386 All disappeared
"Drop out of school, and don't appear in front of me from now on." Xiao Xi'er didn't want to do anything to these people, but these people wanted to hurt her, and when she saw these people, she would have adverse reactions. In order to suppress this adverse reaction, these Man should disappear before himself.

Several people nodded after hearing Xiao Xier's words.What's the point of transferring to another school compared to getting two bullets and being sent somewhere?Of course they chose to agree.

"You'd better do what you say. I have clearly remembered your faces, so if you haven't gone through the withdrawal procedures before tomorrow, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Yes, we're going to go through the withdrawal procedures right now!" Compared with Gao Ranran, they are so happy!
"Go away. By the way, take this person with you." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er pointed to the first person who was shot lying on the ground.The palm of her hand is still bleeding, it is estimated that this hand is useless.

Several people immediately dragged the people on the ground away obediently, and everyone disappeared within a minute.

"You two go to the police station. They will definitely call the police about what happened today. Whoever dares to call the police will lock her up for two months, until they only dare to keep this matter in their hearts." Xiaoxi said to the people behind her. The two bodyguards said, after all, they took out their guns this time, and the police station received such a case, and they would definitely investigate it thoroughly without knowing that the other party was themselves.

"Yes, miss." said the bodyguard.In fact, you don't need to tell the lady about this kind of thing, they will take care of the aftermath seriously.

"There is also Gao Ranran's family, you also find a time to take care of her. At least for 30 years, don't let their family have any chance to turn around! By the way, I will also go through the withdrawal procedures with Gao Ranran. I don't want the school to lose one People make too much noise." The rest of the matter can be considered clear, and today Gao Ranran has been completely dealt with.She was really angry after jumping in front of her for so long.

"Yes. By the way, what about Gao Minmin? She doesn't look like she's going to let it go. Shall we take her too..." The bodyguard didn't say the following words, but made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"No, she has the heart but not the guts. But just in case, if she really dares to attack me, you don't have to report to me, just deal with it directly." Xiao Xi'er has never been a soft-hearted person.

Don't look at how she usually treats people kindly.But anyone who dares to be mean to her can be forgiven once, but the second time is to kill the grass and roots.

"Yes, miss." The lady's style of handling things is really more and more like a wife.


Chu Fengxing's car drove for nearly two hours, and finally stopped in a refugee area.

The wounds on Gao Ranran's left and right arms were treated briefly, without anesthesia, and the bullets were taken out of the arms directly with tweezers.

Gao Ranran fainted from the pain and then woke up from the pain, repeated several times, and finally both of Gao Ranran's arms were numb with pain.After the bullet was taken out, random stitches were used, and then the wound was bandaged with medicine, regardless of whether the wound would be infected or not.

"You, you guys, where do you want to take me!" Chu Fengxing's man opened the trunk, and a ray of light entered the car.Gao Ranran's eyes touched the sunlight, and seeing these people coming in to take her away, she could only ask feebly.

Her arm had lost a lot of blood, and her face looked extremely pale.

(End of this chapter)

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