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Chapter 387 It's too hard to come up with a random title

Chapter 387 It's too hard to come up with a random title

But after all, she used to be the school belle, even though she was snatched away by Xiao Xi'er.But she is still better looking than ordinary people.

"Tsk, it's a pity that such a beautiful girl would plot against the crown prince's woman." The man didn't have the chance to talk about the words of Ranran, but said to another person beside him.

"That's right, where is there such a big hatred between women? You want to do something like that to our princess." Another person also replied.

There is no one in the entire j gang who doesn't know Wei Ya. Wei Ya is the prince's darling, whoever touches her is looking for death.

The crown prince's woman?Listening to the man's words, Gao Ranran mistakenly thought that the prince's woman they were talking about was Lian Yuxi.

"Hey, our prince said that today he will take you somewhere." The man roughly grabbed Gao Ranran's arm and dragged him up.

Gao Ranran's arm hurts, but she has no strength to cry out now.He could only frown deeply, and looked at those two people with doubts on his face, and he had no idea what these two people were going to do to him.

"Tsk, why don't we go first? It's been a long time since I've had meat, and this woman looks really pretty up close."

"Okay, it's a woman who needs to be dealt with anyway. The crown prince won't blame us." Another person agreed.

With their appearance, Gao Ranran immediately understood what they were going to do.

"No, no, you can't do that to me, you can't!" Without knowing where she got the strength, Gao Ranran broke free.She knows what they're up to!The greatest insult to a woman is nothing more than that...

But after all, the strength of a single person is weak, even if she breaks free for a while, Gao Ranran is considered a shackle.

Why let her be spoiled like this!Why do these people defile her so much!Lian Yuxi, it's all your fault, all of this is your fault, I hate you, I hate you, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!
Gao Ranran felt that she was finished, she was really in pain, let her be liberated by killing her now.

After the two ended, Gao Ranran felt that her body was dragged into a room, and the room was full of masculine smell.She is naked...

Her thoughts began to wander, and gradually, she forgot all the pain.It seems... to die, to be liberated...

I don't know how long my body has been numb, it seems like a century.

The pain in the body returned again.Gao Ranran slowly opened her eyes, and in front of her was a white ceiling.

But her body was in so much pain that she didn't even have the strength to twist her neck.But she knew very well that she was still alive.where is thisWho brought himself here?

"Are you awake?" Seeing that Gao Ranran had opened his eyes, a voice from the side said.

Gao Ranran wanted to ask who you are, but when she moved her mouth, she couldn't make any sound.

"I saved your life. If you listen to me in the future, I can help you get rid of Lian Yuxi." The man said again.

Gao Ranran wanted to answer, but she still couldn't open her mouth.As long as she can get rid of Lian Yuxi, she is willing to do anything!
"You don't need to answer, just blink to show." The man said again.

Listening to the man's words, Gao Ranran quickly blinked twice to express her willingness.

"Very good, you can start talking now." After that, the man seemed to have taken a needle and injected something into Gao Ranran's neck.

She felt a chill on her neck, and then the voice in her throat seemed to recover immediately.Not only that, it seems that even the body has become stronger.

"Who are you, why are you helping me?" As soon as her voice recovered, Gao Ranran sat up and asked hastily, regardless of the pain in her body.

She saw that the man in front of her was very good-looking, his eyes were very deep, he didn't look like a Chinese, he should be of mixed race.

"You don't need to know who I am, but our purpose is the same. We both want to get rid of Lian Yuxi." The man said again.It was precisely because he saw that Gao Ranran hated Lian Yuxi so much that he would save her.Enemies unanimous are friends.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, Gao Ranran always felt that this voice was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.But what should be concerned about now is not this, but this person in front of him is also feuding with Lian Yuxi?
"Is there any festival between you and Lian Yuxi?" Gao Ranran asked.

"There is no holiday, I just want her to disappear." That humane, with a playful smile on his perfect facial features, people can't guess his true inner thoughts,
(End of this chapter)

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