Chapter 388 Qiu Xi
Gao Ranran's first feeling is that this man is not simple!
"What do you want me to do?" She felt that if it was this man, he might really be able to deal with Lian Yuxi.

But now that she has been tortured into such a ghostly state, she has no one else to help her except trust him.

As long as he can get rid of Lian Yuxi, he can take his own life.

"The first thing you need to do is to heal your wounds. I've treated the bullet wounds on your two arms for you, and they won't be infected. I'll give you a scar removal operation after a while," the man said humanely.

Those two bullet wounds on Gao Ranran's arms were actually serious.Even the tendon of the tee was broken, but fortunately he cured it thanks to his excellent medical skills.But the scar is still very scary, and people can tell how it was hurt at a glance.

"What about after the wound is healed? Can I take revenge?" Gao Ranran asked again.The idea of ​​supporting her to live is probably revenge.

"Don't worry, I will arrange things after that. But you have to remember that from now on, your name is no longer Gao Ranran. You have a new name, Qiu Xi. You also have a new identity , the daughter of the Qiu clan."

Gao Ranran is now a dead person in Lian Yuxi's heart, so Gao Ranran's previous identity can no longer be used.

"Chou Xi?" This name is really her current state.Enemy Lian Yuxi... Although the pronunciation of Qiu is not the same as that of enemy.

And is the daughter of the Chou family the ninth-ranked Chou family in Asia besides the six major families?

After all, she doesn't know any other Qiu family.What is the identity of this man, even such an identity can be obtained?

"Look at your current appearance, are you satisfied?" The man suddenly threw a mirror in front of Gao Ranran and asked.

"What does it look like now?" Gao Ranran was taken aback, and quickly picked up the mirror.The self in the mirror has turned into a stranger at some point.

Her eyes have turned blue and her nose is much higher than before.The color of the lips has also darkened.Even the whole face has changed.

The person in front of him is very different from his previous self, and he can't find any common ground at all!
But, it's nice to watch.

Even more beautiful than before!But compared to Lian Yuxi, she always felt that she was a little bit worse.

"Did you give me plastic surgery? Or just changed my face?" Gao Ranran asked while touching her face.It feels like the eyes are the nose, and it doesn't look like plastic surgery at all.

"High-tech, I brought you a special mask. It will fall off after being exposed to hot water, so you have to be careful in the future." For this chess piece, he also took great pains.

"A special mask? Isn't it plastic surgery?" It turns out that it can still be like this. Who the hell is this man? Even with such things, he can still make it so realistic!

But this person is so powerful, why not just get rid of Lian Yuxi?Gao Ranran thought puzzled.

"Do you have any questions for me?" the man asked again.

"There is another question, how long have I been in a coma." This is what she is currently concerned about.

"Three days." The man replied.

"It's only been three days?" I always felt that I had been in a coma for a long time, but I didn't expect it was only three days.

But today is the day when the school holds school celebrations, right?

"You stay here to recover from your injuries. I have prepared a few servants for you. I will come here to pick you up in a month," the man said.

 The eighth chapter has been updated~Thanks to Misfortune, August xx, Senyu Island Tree Time Lover, Mint is slightly cool, this flower is not the other side, Lishang Juxi, the beauty in red and the friends in white are half-retired, all my darlings for your support~

(End of this chapter)

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