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Chapter 410 Class Party

Chapter 410 Class Party
Of course, for others, this is still an incredible achievement.

The moment the papers were handed out, the students in class one couldn't laugh or cry.Others don't have enough time for the exam, so how come she still has time to do graffiti after the exam!In the end, because the graffiti was too ugly, the invigilator was so angry that she deducted two points.

If it was the former homeroom teacher of Miejue Shitai, Xiao Xi'er would have to be scolded severely for this matter.If you want to doodle, can't you prepare a piece of scratch paper to do it on?Do not scribble on the test paper!Points deducted!
In this regard, Xiao Xier insisted that she actually has art skills, but she is only an abstract artist...

However, in the eyes of other students in the class, Xiao Xier's drawing level is still in the kindergarten!

Seeing the graffiti on the paper, even Yan Bai couldn't bear to look directly at it.In the past 12 years, Xiao Xier's painting level seems to have never improved.

Of course, Yan Bai would not really admit that Xiao Xier's painting skills were bad.

But after receiving the grades, the real winter vacation will begin!
The test scores of the students in the first class are generally very good.And the papers for the final exam are already very simple.It's okay to have a good year.However, I couldn't see my god and goddess for a month during the winter vacation, and I was a little sad.

"Student Yu Xi, according to the usual practice, our class will hold a final party tomorrow, do you want to come together?" After receiving the grades, Xiao Xi'er was about to leave.The squad leader ran forward and pulled Xiao Xi'er to ask.

From the first year of high school, the class will hold such an activity after each final exam.Take it as a relaxation, after all, the most relaxing days of a semester are the few days after the grades are collected.This incident has become a common practice in the class, but Xiao Xier is a new transfer, so she doesn't know such a common practice.

Xiao Xier thought about it, and it seemed that there was nothing to do tomorrow.So I agreed straight away: "Okay, I'm free tomorrow."

"Can I participate too?" After Xiao Xier finished answering, Chou Xi also popped up and asked.Lian Yuxi went, how could he not go.

"Of course you can, student Qiu Xi, you are also a member of our class." The monitor said kindly.

This transfer student is very gentle, so the students in Class [-] also like to get in touch with her.

"That's good." Chou Xi smiled.In fact, he was very angry inside.She didn't even know that there was such a practice in the class before!In the past, after each final exam, did these people have a party behind their backs?

"Ah, but because we are a self-funded party, everyone who decides to attend the party has to pay 200 yuan as a fee." In the past, [-] of the [-] students in the class would go.So every time there is enough funds to play very happily.

"No problem, I just brought it with me. Here, it's [-], it belongs to Yu Xi and me." Before Xiao Xi'er could pay, Chou Xi took out [-] to pay for himself and Xiao Xi'er of.

"No need, I have it myself." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er also took out two Grandpa Mao cards from her wallet and handed them to the class monitor.In her heart, she didn't regard Chou Xi as a friend, so although the amount of money was not much, she was unwilling to accept it from her.

"Yu Xi, don't be polite to me. It's thanks to you that I got full marks in the math test this time. Don't bother with me." Before Xiao Xi'er had time to give the money to the class monitor, Qiu Xi stopped her down.

 Thanks to Yu Xin Duo Huan, Meng Shiba Inu, Yun Duo, Xi Ye, Xing, Encounter, Island, everyone for their support.There is also a reward of 137 book coins at 6692****[-].The amount is shocking, thank you for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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