Chapter 411 Traveling Together

"What are you talking about? The discussion is so intense." While speaking, Lin Momo ran over at some point.She saw Xiao Xi'er, Qiu Xi, and the squad leader seem to be talking about something, and she was very excited.She likes to join in the fun.

"Tomorrow's class reunion, let's come together." The monitor looked at Lin Momo and said again.

Lin Momo has a good personality. Although she only came to one class for more than a month, and most of the time she was either sleeping or chatting about music, she was very popular with passers-by.And she is very talkative, it must be very lively with her at the party.

"Class reunion? I'm going, I'm going!" Hearing what the monitor said, Lin Momo replied excitedly.

"Chou Xi has already paid you the expenses." Xiao Xi'er smiled at Momo.

Then Xiao Xi'er took out her two Grandpa Mao cards and gave them to the monitor and said, "Squad monitor, these are mine."

"Chou Xi, did you help me pay the expenses? What a shame! It's 200 yuan, how dare I ask you to pay it. You'd better take it back and I'll pay for it myself!" After finishing speaking, Lin Momo started again The squad leader snatched the two Grandpa Mao photos and gave them back to Chou Xi.

"No, it doesn't matter..." Chou Xi's face turned livid for a while, originally he wanted to make Lian Yuxi feel indebted to him, but who knew that Lin Momo had appeared again, he was here to beat her up!Damn Lin Momo.

And this Lian Yuxi, who was pushed onto Lin Momo at the critical moment!
"It does matter! Although we are friends, friends can't take advantage of this kind of money! I have 200 yuan! Here, take it!" Lin Momo took two more sheets of Grandpa Mao It was stuffed back into Chou Xi's hand.

Chou Xi felt a little pain in his head.Who the hell wants to pay you idiot.

"Then I will write down the names of the three of you. Tomorrow at [-]:[-] noon, we will gather at the school gate on time. At that time, our procedure is to have dinner first, then go to KTV in the afternoon, and barbecue in the park in the evening." The monitor put it away. After paying the money, I went to ask other students.

Xiao Xi'er agreed to the party, Ye Ziyue and Mu Qianshu naturally would not refuse.Even Yan Bai agreed for the first time.All the gods and goddesses in the class decided to go, and of course the other students did not refuse.

For the first time, all forty students in the class attended the party, which was more even than that in class.

And no one is late yet.Only Xiao Xi'er was the last to step on the spot.

Because it is not during the class, the drivers who pick me up and drop off are also on annual leave.So this time I came to school was sent by my elder brother Asahito.Qian Yuling's car was also a Porsche the last time, but it was a Bugatti when she sent Xiao Xier here.Not to mention how windy it is.

Although Xiao Xi'er got off the car before she even got to school.But unfortunately it was seen.

"Yu Xi, the person in the car is the CEO of Chen Yu Group, right? He personally sent you to school!" Several people who saw Xiao Xi'er getting off the Qian Yu Ling car asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Xiao Xi'er smiled, and didn't plan to speak after answering.

Everyone could also see that Xiao Xi'er didn't intend to talk too much about Qian Yuling.

In addition, Yan Bai and Ye Ziyue were also here today, so the students they saw didn't mention anything more.

"Now everyone is due, so let's go to a restaurant for dinner first! I booked a farmhouse winery and rented a car." When all the people came, the squad leader pointed to a bus not far away Che said.

(End of this chapter)

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