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Chapter 413 42's Wine

Chapter 413 Four Thousand Two's Wine

"Is this wine worth 4000 yuan?" The squad leader pointed to the four empty wine bottles on the table and said.But including the monitor, several people turned pale when they heard what the waiter said.

Who would have thought that the four bottles of wine randomly placed on the wine cabinet would be so expensive!It obviously looks like a bottle of wine that costs more than ten yuan, but the taste is not much better!

"What do you students know! That wine is the most expensive wine in our winery. It was originally priced at [-] yuan, but we wiped out the [-] yuan and counted it as [-] bottles for you." The waiter continued Said disdainfully.

"How is it possible? How can this kind of wine be worth four thousand and two?" It was obvious that the feeling they drank was almost the same as ordinary wine.

"Do you know what kind of wine is good wine? We are a winery here, and the most expensive thing is wine." The waiter said again.

Listening to the conversation between the monitor and the waiter, Xiao Xi'er also stepped forward, took a wine bottle and sniffed it at the tip of her nose.Xiao Xi'er could smell it, it was obviously just ordinary sorghum wine, four thousand two?It seems that this winery is a black spot.

Lian Yurou likes to drink, so there are many expensive wines at home.Xiao Xier also has a little understanding of wine and other things.When I was waiting outside for a few minutes, I took a look at the wines displayed in front of the cabinet. Most of them were ordinary, although some smelled good, but the most expensive ones were estimated to be no more than 2000 yuan a bottle.

Compared with Lian Yurou's wines, the quality is far worse.

"Isn't it just 2 yuan? It's not like we can't afford it, so I'll just pay for it." Chou Xi said grandly.Now the third lady of my enemy's family, 2 yuan is not even a fraction of her monthly pocket money.

Although Qiu Xi said so, few students in the class showed happy expressions.

They always feel that this store is here to steal money because they are all students. 2 yuan is nothing, and 500 yuan for each of the forty students is enough.But being robbed of money, no matter whose money it is, just feels uncomfortable!

"This wine is just ordinary sorghum wine, four thousand and two a bottle? Do you still want to open this store?" Xiao Xi'er couldn't bear it anymore, walked up to the waiter and said coldly.It's okay to bully others, but it's not okay for others to bully yourself.Still bullying the students in your class?When she is a display?
The students in the class haven't been able to appreciate Xiao Xi'er's protective personality, but once they have really experienced it, they will know how happy it is to know Xiao Xi'er.

"What do you know, little girl? Don't think it smells like sorghum wine, it really is sorghum wine!" the waiter shouted with his arms akimbo.

"Why don't we get someone to appraise it to see if this wine is worth four thousand and two." This winery is a black winery.Seeing that a group of students came here, I thought it was easy to slaughter.Random price for four bottles of sorghum wine?
Four thousand two?This money is nothing in Xiao Xi'er's eyes, but it can't be cheap for others!

Although Xiao Xi'er was not sure that the wine must be sorghum wine, she was sure that the wine would not be expensive.Expensive wine will not be placed in such a place casually.After all, it would be a big loss if it was stolen, wouldn't it?
And this kind of conspicuous place without any measures is the easiest to be walked by.Just a random guess, I know that the people in this winery think they are students, so they feel easy to bully.

(End of this chapter)

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