Chapter 414

"Okay! I get it, you naughty students just want to renege on your bills, don't you? Don't you want to pay after drinking? See if I don't call the police and arrest all of you to the police station! "The waiter listened to Xiao Xier's words, and immediately decided to make a bigger move, using the police to scare these students!

Isn't what the students fear most is being arrested by the police?
Sure enough, a group of less courageous students were frightened by the waiter, and their feet went limp.What will they do if they are really caught by the police?
"Call the police? Exactly, I also want to call the police. Sue you for selling fake wine here to deceive forty high school students. Oh, yes, there is another one. According to No. 30 of the Minors Protection Law To sell tobacco and alcohol, the operator should set up a sign not to sell tobacco and alcohol to minors in a prominent position. But here, there is no. You obviously learned yesterday that this box was occupied by a group of underage high school students, but still Putting cigarettes and alcohol in a conspicuous place in the box, is this intended to lure minors to smoke and drink?" Xiao Xi'er sneered.

Do you really think she is scared?If the police really come, dare to defer to this winery?Seeing that she demolished the winery, who would dare to say more?Want to scare her?Go back and practice for another 100 years!
Hearing Xiao Xier's words, the waiter didn't know what to say for a while.They slaughtered so many junior high school students and high school students.Didn't expect to meet a high school student who knows the law now?Are you still talking about the truth?Are high school students that good at it?
Seeing the waiter's reaction, the students were overjoyed.It seems that Xiao Xi'er suppressed the people in the winery, how cool!
"Why don't you talk? Call the police and let the police come. Anyway, we are all minors, drinking is at most ignorant, and you are adults, selling such expensive alcohol to minors is not right. It’s okay to be ignorant. Oh, if it’s found to be counterfeit wine, it’s even more serious.” If you can bully people by relying on the shop, then we’ll fight back because I’m underage and I don’t understand.

"I, I let our boss handle this matter!" It was the first time he encountered such a student who was not afraid of the police.When the other students heard that they were going to call the police and arrest people, they were so frightened that they paid the money. Who cares whether the wine is real or not.But this girl is eager to call the police?This time it made him shudder.

"Go ahead and call your boss. You and the waiter are responsible for serving the tea and water. You can wait for your boss to come for such a thing that you can't decide." Xiao Xi'er sarcastically said.This scares him away?I thought I had enough patience...

Although the waiter was unhappy with what Xiao Xier said, he couldn't refute it.Really aggrieved.He is obviously the second boss in the winery, and he is the one who does all the slaughtering.Are you scared?Or by this high school girl?Although not reconciled, but helpless.

"Yuxi, you are so cool! They obviously cheated our students of money. We don't know what to do when we encounter this kind of thing. Fortunately, you are here!" After seeing the waiter leave, the monitor hurriedly pulled Xiaoxi Son's hand gratefully said.If it wasn't for Xiao Xi'er, they would obediently pay for it!
"What are you afraid of? Straighten your back. When he says he wants to call the police, he's trying to frighten you. If you are really frightened, you will lose." In this kind of thing, whoever has a strong aura wins.Of course, Xiao Xi'er has never lost in terms of aura.

 Thank you for stepping on the snow without a trace, side face, like a bone-in-bone lovesickness, love, Leng Mengchen, forever love, Weiai Taoyang, shooting star is an instant, teacher J, Xin Epiphyllum, Chuxin Xilei, the little fairy is small and sweet, Jing Ruo Fan Hua Shang Gu Nian, LEAFC CIOVEr, Deer Unruly EXO, MWZ, Sun Youliang pinched his ancestors, the island, I just love this feeling, addicted to drugs alone, everyone’s rewards and support~ I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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