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Chapter 415 Winery Owner

Chapter 415 Winery Owner
"Yu Xi, you know how to speak! My feet were stiff just now, and I was afraid that he would really call the police and arrest us, saying that we were eating bully meals!"

"Yeah, me too. That person's expression is so scary. And that bottle of wine is [-] yuan. It's really a shop that eats people!"

"It's a good thing we have you, Yuxi. Otherwise, we would be taken for a 2 yuan slaughter!"

A group of people surrounded Xiao Xi'er and looked at Xiao Xi'er with adoring eyes.How to turn defeat into victory, how to suppress the aura, so cool that it explodes!
However, he completely forgot about Chou Xi who just said that he would pay [-] yuan by himself.

Chou Xi didn't understand why the hearts of the people in the class were all on Lian Yuxi.She just said so generously that she would pay [-] yuan, why didn't anyone look at her with grateful eyes?

"Yu Xi is really smart! Chou Xi, don't you think so?" Lin Momo walked up to Chou Xi and said, hoping to get Chou Xi's sympathy.

"Well, yes, yes." Chou Xi replied reluctantly.Isn't it just scaring people away?What's the big deal?I said it myself, I will pay the [-] yuan, and they don't need to spend a penny.Why are you all looking at Lian Yuxi with such admiration.

No one knows about Qiu Xi's psychological activities.

But Xiao Xier knew why.The students in the class will be thrilled by what they have done.But he was unmoved by Chou Xi's payment of 2 yuan.

We are all high school students and have already reached the sensible age.Everyone is in the same class, and their grades are also very good. They have their own arrogance and dignity.

2 yuan is a large amount in front of students, and dignified people do not like to owe money.If Qiu Xi really paid the 2 yuan today, it would only make the forty people in the class feel owed.No one likes to feel in debt to others.In addition, this incident was obviously cheated by a black shop, and he paid the money honestly knowing that he was cheated. This is an act of being taken advantage of.

No one likes to suffer.Let them suffer and owe favors?That knot in my heart may never go away!
Soon, the owner of the winery came.The waiter followed behind.

"Everyone, hello, I'm the owner of this winery. I heard that you plan to drink without paying your bills? Is there such a thing?" The owner of the winery is a man who looks very strong.Although it was winter, he only wore a white vest indoors.The muscles looked dark and dark, and it was terrible.

The owner of this winery doesn't look like a good person, no wonder it is a dark winery.Xiao Xier thought so.

A group of people just had a sense of self-confidence after listening to Xiao Xier's words, thinking that when the boss comes later, they must stand upright like Xiao Xier and fight against it!But who would have thought that when they saw the boss coming, everyone was too frightened to speak out.

This boss is a bit too muscular.

"No such matter. However, we only pay [-] yuan for the meal, and the remaining four bottles of wine, go to the police station and talk about it." Xiao Xi'er still said without saying a word.What is she afraid of?I can kung fu by myself, and there are four hidden bodyguards.The person in front of me is just a bit bigger, isn't that the case...

"Police station? You stinky girl. Do you know how the last person who drank without paying was carried out of my winery? Do you know how many bones he broke?" The boss clenched his fists. , deliberately issued a 'pop' sound to threaten.

 Thank you for Chuxin Xilei, Xin Epiphyllum, Northwest who didn't learn to draw people without changing their names, sleepy kitten, disaster for the world, Shiyin, Yunduo, Gao Leng, Qingzhi, Island, Xiao Xiongzi.Rewards and support from all darlings~
(End of this chapter)

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