Chapter 842

The expressions of Luo Yongzhi and Luo Ou both changed, they both clearly knew the strength of the Qian Family.

And seeing the lawyers Asahi Nozomi brought behind, oh my god, those are the most famous figures in the legal world, and they can easily win difficult lawsuits.

The USB drive was inserted, and there were several folders in it, all of which were the evidence that Xiao Xier asked Chu Yun to find out during this period.

Open the file, the first one is the voice of Luo Yongzhi and the drug dealers.Although there is no picture, Luo Yongzhi's voice can be easily distinguished.

At the end of a recording, the faces of Luo Yongzhi, Luo Ou and his son turned green.

"Click next, there are still several videos and recordings." Xiao Xier said calmly.

And the second file is a video, or the kind with sound.

As soon as Luo Yongzhi and Luo Ou saw the beginning of the video, their bodies were already shaking uncontrollably.

They all know what happens next in the video.

The video played for half a minute, and Luo Yongzhi, who was no longer in the video, finally spoke.

"This plan is really good. Let Xiao Zhou hide the 100 million in his home, and then report him for corruption, and then deliberately send him 100 million to record the bribery video, so that whether he accepts it or not, the family He suddenly hid 100 million in cash, which was just the right amount, so everyone would think he was taking bribes. Then there was a shortage of funds in the projects he managed, which turned into corruption. Hehe, he will definitely Sentenced, no one can save..."

The voice belonged to Luo Yongzhi, and the man he was talking about was obviously Dongxu's father.

On the video, Luo Yongzhi and the person on the opposite side were constantly discussing this matter. How to keep things from being exposed, I have to say, was a series of methods.Ordinary people are really hard to guard against.

So many pits were dug one after another.

The video lasted for 8 minutes, and they kept talking about the method of committing the crime. It turned out to be the same crime as Dongxu's father, and the order was exactly the same.

"Fake, this video must be fake, how could I do that kind of hook-up! It can't be me! This must be someone pretending to be!" How could this happen, where did Nozomi Asagi find the video...

How could she find this video!No!He managed to climb up to this position, how could he be dragged down so easily.

"What does it mean that the Skynet is not leaked? There is no case that I can't find. There are still a few files in the back. Let's open them and see how many disgusting things this senior official has done now." trade."

With that said, the next file was opened again.

One after another, every time I read one, I sigh that there is no person in this world more hateful than Luo Yongzhi.But when he sees the next one, Luo Yongzhi will continue to refresh his three views.

I really didn't expect that the senior official of their province Z was such a shameless and corrupt guy, he was even more hateful than a drug dealer.

More than a dozen files and videos, the last one is a picture of Luo Yongzhi and Luo Ou taking drugs...

Even if you don't take all the previous evidence, just this last one can kill Luo Yongzhi and his son.

After all the videos were played, the father and son could not stand still and fell to the ground.

Almost all the video recordings of their crimes are all here with Asahi Nozomi. Luo Yongzhi is bound to die...

(End of this chapter)

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