Chapter 843

"Do you know what you were like a month ago? Do you know why so many people mocked you and looked down on you when you were down and out?" Xiao Xi'er asked again.

"A month ago... what did I look like?"

Dong Xu recalled for a while, and the rebellious self immediately came to mind. At that time, he was still very arrogant, and his attitude towards anyone was the same as the insult he received this month.It's just that during this month, I changed sides with the people I've been bullied by.

"There is also a student like you in the first and second grades of high school. His family faced bankruptcy two months ago, but his result is different from yours. He is usually gentle and polite. So he is considered bankrupt. , everyone will choose to help him, but like you, how many people do you see helping you?" Xiao Xier asked again.

In fact, Dongxu himself should have understood this month.It wasn't the people who had sneered at him this month who were really at fault.

"So, for the past month, you have ignored me, and every time I was beaten or bullied, you chose to watch from the sidelines, for no other reason let me know how stupid I am on weekdays, right? ?”

"Well, think about it these few days. I hope that when school starts next week, I will see a different you." Xiao Xier patted Dong Xu on the shoulder and said.The words have come to this point, and I should go back.

"Thank you, Qian Yuxi, thank you for helping me when I was in the most difficult time. From now on, as long as you say a word, I will be willing to go through fire or water!" Dong Xu shouted to Xiao Xi'er's leaving back.

"Don't forget what you said, I need your help in the future." Xiao Xi'er turned her head and glanced at Dong Xu, and said with a smile.

"I will help with murder and arson!"

Oops, I have been busy with Dongxu's affairs for a whole month, and now that the matter has been satisfactorily resolved, it is time to take a good rest and relax.Xiao Xi'er stretched her waist, thinking about finding some interesting fun in her mind.

But before that, it was better to find out the guy who was sneaking behind her, so Xiao Xier stopped in her tracks.

"You followed me all the way, come out." Xiao Xi'er turned around and said.Xiao Xi'er had already felt the movement behind her, and she really didn't have the slightest tracking ability.

However, the follower didn't seem to intend to reveal his identity yet.

"I've already spotted you, the one hiding in the bushes. If you don't come out, I'll go and catch you myself." Xiao Xi'er didn't have that much patience, and said again.

It was all said here, and the man in the grass no longer hid.

I only saw the grass swaying, and then a figure stood up from the grass.

"Luo Ou, it's you again? You really are haunted." Seeing that the person standing up was Luo Ou, Xiao Xi'er didn't have much surprise on her face.

"Qian Yuxi, why did you help Dongxu! I like you so much, I love you so much, why are you going against me!" After he came out of the court, he followed him all the way.If the lawsuit is lost, his family's fate will definitely be the same as Dongxu's before, and his family will plummet.

What made him extremely painful was not only the loss of the lawsuit, but also the goddess he had always had in mind, the woman he wanted most all the time!

(End of this chapter)

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