Chapter 846

"If I want to be really ruthless, let someone catch you now, and then slowly torture you, cut off your skin one by one, and let you die in pain, instead of telling you to see the King of Hades with one knife, you I should be grateful."

"Ah——" Xiao Xi'er pulled out the knife, and the blood on Luo Ou's chest spurted out immediately, and Luo Ou also screamed.

"Asahi Nozomi, I curse you, I curse you to die! I curse you to become me in the next life, I will become you, and I want you to die in pain like me in the next life!" I am so unwilling, really unwilling ...

Everything was fine at first, my father is a high-ranking official, his life should have been bright, and everyone should respect him, but it's only been a month, and after only enjoying a month of good life, he fell from the sky into the sky. hell……

Nozomi Asaba, all of this is caused by Nozomi Asaba, it would be great if there is no Nozomi Asaba in this world!
"Let's talk about the things in the next life. At least in this life, I have a good life!" Xiao Xier didn't take Luo Ou's words seriously at all. Gao Ranran said the same thing back then, didn't she...

He casually threw the knife on the ground, found a tissue from his bag, wiped the blood that was splashed on his hand just now, then threw the knife on the ground casually, and left the scene.

"Hey, Chuyun, North Road Park, come and help me clean up a corpse, um, throw it in the Atlantic Ocean to feed the fish, clean up the scene, and don't let others know."

When they arrived at school in the second week, it was no surprise that things about Dongxu and Luo Ou became a hot topic of discussion.

No one would have thought that Dongxu would have a chance to stand up. His father was slandered by others, and Luo Ou was the real mastermind behind it.

But Luo Ou is really hateful, a hundred times more arrogant than the previous arrogant Dong Xu.

When Dongxu arrived at the school, everyone's eyes were full of fear and fear. Before last week, they all felt that it was something to be very proud of to have beaten and insulted Dongxu.But now it's all right, Dongxu's father has become a high-ranking official again, and grandpa has become that billionaire again.

His status once again became unattainable.

Now everyone in the school is in panic, for fear of Dongxu's revenge.According to Dongxu's character before, a violent beating is definitely inevitable.

When Dong Xu arrived in class, almost everyone deliberately kept a distance of two meters away from him, and no one dared to look Dong Xu straight in the eye.I was afraid that Dong Xu would call their names as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Hey, let me tell you, is it necessary to stay so far away from me? Is it possible that I will eat you?"

One morning passed, and everyone was still far away from Dongxu. Even though these people had hurt him this month, he still felt quite uncomfortable being so feared by others.

These people have been very kind in the past month, why are they all scared now.

After Dongxu finished speaking, the students in the class didn't even move, like wooden figures.

"Talk to you, are you all dumb? Aren't you all very capable last month? What's the matter, you dare not even say a word to me now? Huh?" Dongxu walked from his seat When I got to the podium, it was right in front of everyone.

It wasn't that he wanted to settle accounts with these people, he had already figured out what Xiao Xi'er said to him the day before yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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