Chapter 847

In the past, it was true that I was wrong, and I beat people when I disagreed.He deserved it for being bullied by various people last month.

So he won't fight against those who bullied him during this time.

But these people are avoiding themselves one by one now, as if they are going to eat them.He will have to exercise his dominance again.

He wanted to let these people know that he was different from Dong Xu before, and that he would no longer bully others easily.

"Dong, Dongxu, don't think that I will be afraid of you now that your status has been restored. I, I tell you, at worst, at worst, if you beat me again, I will not give in to you!"

The first person to speak was the man who beat Dong Xu at first.Although he said he was not afraid, his voice was trembling when he spoke.Thinking about the first time he beat Dong Xu so badly, he must be beaten to death this time.

God, even if Dongxu wants to turn over, he should at least finish high school before turning over, why is it so fast!
"Yes, yes, I, I am not afraid, I am afraid of you, no, isn't it just being beaten..."

Then, a second voice sounded.Likewise, there was tremor in the voice.

Of course, there are also many people who are really cowardly in these voices of swollen faces and fat people.

"Brother Dongxu, we were wrong, I'm sorry Brother Dongxu, please forgive me!"

"That's right, Brother Dong, we won't dare again in the future. I'm the one following the trend this month, and I'm the one who sees people as inferior with my dog's eyes. Don't worry about me, okay, Brother Dong?"

"What are you doing like little girls? Did I say I was going to beat you?" He hadn't even punched yet, and these people were so afraid. It seemed that he had really left a message before. The bad impression of beating people if they don't agree.

The people below couldn't believe it, you look at me, I look at yours.Then he asked cautiously: "Brother Dong, you won't beat us up?"

"No, I thought a lot about it last month. You guys hate me so much. It must be because I was too domineering in the past, which made you accumulate too much anger. In the final analysis, it was my fault first, so what happened last month Everything is the price I pay." Dongxu said.

Dong Xu's words gave a sigh of relief to those who had been tense all morning.

Dongxu actually changed his sex!Is this the Dong Xu they know?

"Ahem, although I said that I won't beat you up in the future, but you guys remember, my personality is still the same as before, irritable, don't think anyone can mess with me!"

"Understood Brother Dong, we all know your character and are used to it!" Regardless of whether Dong Xu deserves the habit of beating people, in short, he is lucky to have escaped today.

"Just get used to it." Dong Xu walked back to his seat, and put one foot on the table, looking like a big brother.

And everyone has returned to the way it was a month ago.

"Go, buy me some water!" Dong Xu kicked the table of the person sitting next to him, and then threw two hundred-yuan bills on the table.

The person sitting next to him happened to be a top student with little money. He used to earn Dongxu's errand fees in school.There is no errand fee this month, but I have eaten "soil" for a month.

"I, I'll go right away!" The special student took the money and immediately rushed to the cafeteria.

It's great that Dongxu's identity has been restored...

(End of this chapter)

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