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Chapter 885 Invisible Shield

Chapter 885 Invisible Shield

"Your invisible shield is only this big? Is it really useful?" Facing such a small device, Ji Yuxue obviously didn't believe it.

This doesn't look like a shield at all.

"I told you it's the latest model. It's small and convenient. If you don't believe me, bring it with you and press the switch."

He even doubted his own invention!You have to let this guy know how powerful he is.

Hearing Xingze's words, Ji Yuxue put the small black box in her coat pocket, trying to see if it was really so magical.

As soon as it was put away, Xingze took out a cannon out of nowhere, carried it on his shoulder, and aimed at Ji Yuxue with one eye open.

"Hey, hey, you don't really intend to bombard me with cannons, do you?" Seeing Xingze's movements, Ji Yuxue quickly backed away. The power of the cannon was incredible at first glance, but it was really scary. Who wants to experiment with an invisible Shield ran to take such a big risk!

"Didn't you say you don't believe it? Then let you see it." After finishing speaking, Xingze aimed at Ji Yuxue again.

"Are you kidding, you will die if you get blown up by this thing, I don't want to cooperate with you to blow you up—"

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud "boom—" Xingze's body carrying the cannon unconsciously took a small step back, and the missile was fired from the cannon, exploding in the direction of Ji Yuxue .

If it was in an open space, Ji Yuxue might still be able to escape, but in such a small laboratory like Xingze's, there was no way for him to escape.Even if he avoided the center of the cannon, he would still be missing arms and legs after the cannon shot.

Just when Ji Yuxue felt that she was about to finish playing, the invisible shield in her jacket pocket suddenly unfolded, and the shape similar to glass quickly enveloped Ji Juxue inside, blocking the power of the cannon directly outside the shield.

But Ji Yuxue herself was not affected in the slightest...

"How about it, you should trust me now." Putting the cannon aside, Xing Ze said in awe.

"This thing really works. It's tailor-made for the current Yan Bai. Why didn't you take it out earlier. By the way, is there any more? I'm also afraid of death, so give me one too!" It's so easy to use If it is only used by Yan Bai alone, he will definitely envy and hate it!

"Do you think this is a toy? I blew up two laboratories just by making this one. What do you want this thing for?" I want a second one, but there is no door.

"Okay, okay, then I'll take this away." After seeing the power of the invisible shield, Ji Yuxue couldn't wait to give the invisible shield to Yan Bai.

Yan Bai should be safe these two days, after all, he is someone the whole world pays attention to, those enemies should not choose to come to him at this time.But just in case, I still have to hand it over to Yan Bai quickly...

But... how should I give Yan Bai?It was only during the day that he scolded the guy severely.

Ask Asahi Nozomi to give it to him?No way, Asahi Nozomi was also scolded by herself.

Give it to Jian Jian, the relationship between these two people is advanced, so it should be no problem to let Jian Jian send it to him. After thinking about it, Ji Juxue immediately went to Jian Jian.

But it's a pity that Jian Jian is not at home, and it seems that Yan Bai's safety is also because he was busy when Yan Bai revealed his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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