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Chapter 886 Accepted

Chapter 886 Accepted

"Master Prison, what's the matter?"

Although Jian Jian is not at home, the moon orbit happens to be there.Seeing Ji Yuxue's sudden visit, she felt that it had something to do with Young Master Yan, so she showed up immediately.

"Yue Gui? It's you, but you are the same, can you please do me a favor." Jian Jian and Yue Gui are people close to Yan Bai, so it should be no problem to hand it over to Yue Gui.

"Master Prison, please tell me."

"That's it, can you give it to your young master for me, and tell him to wear it every day, this is an invisible shield, which can be useful at critical times." Saying that, Ji Yuxue put the black The small box was handed to Moon Rail.

"The invisible shield? Why didn't Master Prison give it to Young Master Yan himself? The relationship between you should be very good." For such an important thing, it would be better for him to hand it over to Young Master Yan himself.

"Well... Our relationship... is okay... So-so... It's just that it hasn't been very good recently. Forget it, in short, you can just give this to Yan Bai. Because his current identity has been announced, so He should be targeted by many people, and he should need it very much now." Ji Juxue didn't bother to explain to Yue Gui that she scolded Yan Bai, and didn't know what to do.So blur the past...

"I see, don't worry, Master Prison, I will hand this over to Master Yan!" Yue Gui nodded, and then put the small black box into his pocket.

"Oh, by the way, remember not to tell Yan Bai that I gave it to you, you know?" He had already gotten angry with Yan Bai before, and said that no matter what, he would not bother him anymore.Now suddenly give him an invisible shield, wouldn't that be a slap in the face?

"I know Young Master Prison, I won't say anything." Yue Gui nodded, originally she was not a troublesome person.

"Well, that's good. You may have to suffer in the future. That kid Yan Bai should have many enemies around him in the future. You should pay more attention."

"The Lunar Orbit Society."

"Invisible shield? Isn't this something Xingze invented?" When receiving the small black box, Yan Bai was a little surprised and had some doubts.

Because I have fought against Xing Ze, I know what Xing Ze has.Xing Ze used this in front of him before, Yan Bai naturally recognized it at a glance.

That guy Xingze has always been a person with a cloudy personality, so he probably wouldn't take the initiative to give him this thing.

After guessing casually, Yan Bai easily guessed that Ji Juxue and Xingze were going to get this invisible shield.

After that operation, Yan Bai knew that Ji Juxue and Xingze had a good relationship.But now the only person who can find Xingze is Ji Yuxue, and the only person who can ask Xingze for things is probably Ji Yuxue.So very easily, Yan Bai guessed that it must be Ji Juxue.

"Master, then this..."

Yuegui really hoped that Yan Bai could accept this invisible shield, but thinking that the relationship between Yan Bai and Xingze seemed to be very bad, I was really worried that Yan Bai would refuse, but Yan Bai's decision could not be changed...

"Since Ji Juxue sent it, then accept it." Saying that, Yan Bai held the small box tightly in his palm.

Actually... accepted it!Yue Gui was a little surprised, and the young master also guessed that it was sent by Ji Yuxue... I can't blame myself for this, I didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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