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Chapter 898 The owner of the car

Chapter 898 The owner of the car
As soon as the phone was dialed, Qian Yuchen was connected immediately.

"Xiao Xi'er, what's the matter?" Qian Yuchen asked gently.

At this time, my sister called me, it must be because of something.

"Big brother, I was arrested by the police and taken to the police station." Xiao Xi'er replied straight to the point.

"Police? Have you been arrested? Where did the police dare to be so bold? Even dare to arrest you? Don't they know who you are?" If it was half a year ago, it would be fine if someone didn't know their sister, But now Xiao Xi'er is the one in the limelight, the police must recognize her sister's face!

"I used a special mask, so the policeman didn't recognize me. It's just a bit troublesome now, big brother, you'd better come to the police station to get me quickly."

"Well, just wait, I'll be here in a while." Which desperate police station actually dared to arrest his sister.

"Boss, that, there will be a very important meeting later..."

"Push it off and start again in the afternoon."

"Good boss."

Seeing that Xiao Xi'er here actually called someone to find someone, the female shop assistants immediately lost their minds.

You can tell from the clothes that the girl in front of you must have a background.Originally, I just wanted to make more money, but who knew that the trouble would come to the police station?
If things go on like this, things will definitely develop in a direction that is unfavorable to them, this is not possible!If you make a big fuss, you must make a big fuss. Only when things make a big fuss will it not be so easy to solve!
"Mr. Police, I think my arm hurts so much. I didn't notice it just now. Now it suddenly hurts. I think it must be a broken bone. It hurts me to death. It hurts so much. Can you take me to the hospital first... ..." The female shop assistant suddenly moaned while clutching her arms.

"Hey, are you okay? Is it that serious? Okay, wait, I'll send someone to take you to the hospital right away!" Seeing the painful look of the female shop assistant, the policeman also walked around. Things can only be dealt with later.

"Hey, are you on purpose, right? You want to make a big deal out of this matter? Heh, do you really think that you can win this lawsuit because you are the injured person after the matter gets out of hand?"

Xiao Xi'er knew best if the woman's arm was injured, at most it was just a little skin trauma, and it was absolutely impossible to hurt the bones.

The woman just heard that she was on the phone, and was worried that the situation in the meeting would be unfavorable.Xiao Xi'er can guess this idea casually.

"I don't know what you're talking about at all! Mr. Police, can you please take me to the hospital quickly? My arm really hurts!" The female clerk looked at the policeman again and said aggrievedly.

I hope that because I am a wounded patient, the police will feel sympathy.

"There is a hospital not far away, I'll take you there right away!"

Before he even got out of the hospital, he saw a luxury car suddenly parked in front of the hospital.

Maserati, license plate number is five seven.

This car was parked right in front of the hospital, which was particularly eye-catching.

When she saw this car, the female shop assistant forgot to act, and looked at the car without blinking her eyes.

How could there be such a car in such a place?The owner of the car must be super rich!so cool...

It would be great if I could hook up with the owner of this car...

But it's a pity that my appearance is not enough, and I need to earn more money to go abroad for plastic surgery.

(End of this chapter)

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