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Chapter 899 Big Brother

Chapter 899 Big Brother

After a while, I saw that the people in the car had already got out of the car.

"That's Qian Yuchen, right? God, why did Qian Yuchen come to the police station?"

"My mother! It's really Qian Yuchen, I saw this car in area a last time!"

"It's so cool, the license plate numbers are all five and seven. The people from Qian's family are handsome."

The policemen in the bureau couldn't help but ran out one by one to watch the fun, Qian Yuchen was not something everyone could see.

"Is that person Qian Yuchen?" The female shop assistant stopped and looked at the handsome Qian Yuchen in front of her.

I've seen it on TV, but it seems better in real life.I'm so lucky today...

"It would be great if I could marry him in the future." Another clerk supporting the female clerk said excitedly.

"Dream, it's so easy to marry a wealthy family!" The other next to him couldn't help but complain.

"Hahaha, I was just kidding."

"Mr. Qian, why did you come to the police station? Please come in quickly, please come in, Mr. Qian, is there anything you need our help for?"

When he heard Qian Yuchen's arrival, the director immediately went out of his way to greet him.

"I'm here to pick up my sister. I heard that you caught my sister in the police station." Qian Yuchen said.

"Catch, grab your sister? Your sister is Nozomi Asagi, the young lady of the Asa family? Hey, how dare we?" I don't know where to start with, Nozomi Asagi and the others have a hundred Don't even dare to catch it.

Qian Yuchen didn't pay attention to the director's words, and went straight into the police station. Several policemen looked at each other, all of them looked confused.

"Mr. Qian, we really didn't catch your sister, did you misunderstand?"

Such an indifferent Qian Yuchen made the chief sweat from fright.

But I don't remember when I sinned against Qian Yuchen.

"Big brother!"

He only heard a familiar voice, and then saw a figure jumping into his arms.

Qian Yuchen lowered his head, the person in his arms was an extremely unfamiliar face, but Qian Yuchen was sure that this person was his sister.

"Xiao Xi'er, you are really naughty. How did you make yourself like this?" Looking at this face, Qian Yuchen couldn't help but laugh.

You said which woman in this world doesn't want to dress herself up beautifully, but Xiao Xi'er deliberately turned herself into a passerby.

"The original appearance attracts too much attention when I go out. I'm out shopping, and I don't want to be noticed by too many people." Xiao Xier replied.

"Brother is here, I'm fine now." Forget it, who told her that this was her own sister.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding policemen were stunned. What is the background of this girl?It actually made Qian Yuchen, who was always indifferent, become so gentle.

This is not the point, the point is that a girl with such an ordinary appearance actually knows Qian Yuchen, and even calls her big brother intimately...

The female clerk who had just stepped out of the gate of the police station felt that her legs were a little weak.I knew that this girl might have a backer, but I didn't expect that the backer would be someone from the Qian family...

Could this girl be Qian Yuchen's girlfriend?It is indeed very popular recently for girls to call their boyfriends their brothers.

"I suddenly realized that the girl next to her looks familiar? They seem to call her... Tangtang?" Another female shop assistant suddenly pointed to Tangtang in surprise and said, as if she recognized Tangtang's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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